Adult Only πŸ”ž What Should I Do After Sex?

After a long satisfactory ride on his or her thing, what do you think happens next? Some people do not know what to do after having sex. continue reading to know the tip.

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6 Most Important Things to Do After Sex

There are six (6) things to do immediately after sex within the first 10 to 20 minutes. The most important is just getting messy together, in the most affectionate way.

Cuddling Your Partner

Sexual aftercare is the practice of caring for your partner(s) after sex. It can involve anything from showering together to cuddling and talking about the crazy experience of sex and what needs to improve.

It brings about quality time to talk about what you loved and did not about the sex.

Pee After Sex

Whether you are a woman or a man, peeing after sex is considered hygienic and healthy because it has a cleansing effect.

Bacteria naturally found on the skin can enter your private area, therefore, peeing after sexual intercourse prevents the chances of UTI.

Clean up After Sex

Keep Clean-up Simple. Use warm water to wash off moisture on the external part of the vagina. If you are not close to warm water, use a non-scented wipe to clean up your private areas.

While washing and drying genital areas can further increase your comfort, Do not dip your hand or a tool inside your vagina while cleaning, because it increases the risk of an infection.

Drink Water After Sex

The best thing to have right after sex is water. Try drinking at least 2-3 glasses of water, it helps you urinate and keeps you hydrated.

Take a Bath After Sex

After enough pounding and sweating, you will need to wash up because apart from the fact that it cleanses the body, it calms the nerves and relaxes the muscles which aids in good sleep and comfort.

Clean Your Sex Toys After Sex

Clean Your Sex Toys after sexing with them to avoid bacteria, viruses, and fungi building up on them.

Your sex toys could spread STDs and other infections if not cleaned properly.


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