EWC Contact Details: Website, Address, Phone Number and More

EWC Contact Details: Website, Address, Phone Number and More…  In this post, you’ll get to know the EWC Contact Details – www.ewc.edu.za Contact; EWC Contact Address, EWC Location, EWC Tel., EWC Email, EWC Web Address and more…


Ekurhuleni West TVET College

The official Ekurhuleni West TVET College, EWC Contact Information can be found below as derived from the EWC official website. As we strive to keep these contacts accurate and updated, the contact information can change without prior notice.

Before we Continue, Let’s talk Briefly about the Ekurhuleni West TVET College EWC:

Ekurhuleni West Technical, Vocational, Education and Training College (EWC) is a public institution regulated by the FET Colleges Act no 16 of 2006, as amended.

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EWC Contact Details

Hope We Helped You Today?

Therefore, the Ekurhuleni West TVET College, EWC Contact Details has been published online and can be accessed through the school website provided below.

From the Link above, you can access the EWC Contact Details – EWC Contact Pages. If there should be any difficulty, please do well by dropping a comment below and we will give you a positive reply.

Please do well by sharing this information to reach your loved ones.

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  1. I can’t finish my Applications because when I try to finish it says Maximum unsuccessful login attempts reached so am hoping you can help me because they said i should contact Web system administrator to reset to restart my session

  2. Hi I would like to reset my password in my student account in order to login and check out my status but the system says it is blocked and you are the only one to reset it.

    • NO! Please contact the school officials to settle this issue. We have post contact information of the appropriate EWC student management, grab the one suitable for you, and have a one on one conversation with them.

  3. Vunwe Thabo Mabasa

    I want to change my gmail address at ewc because i have forgotten my student number and when i reset it, they are sending my student number on the gmail that ive registered it to the portal of the institution and i no longer have access to that gmail or contact…so i want to change my gmail and use the current one and add a new number so that i can be able to get sms from the institution

    • Hi there,
      We understand that you’re facing difficulties accessing your student information at Ekurhuleni West TVET College due to a forgotten student number and locked-out Gmail account. Don’t worry, there are steps you can take to resolve this issue and update your contact information.

      Here’s what Beraportal.com recommend:

      1. Contact Ekurhuleni West TVET College directly:

      Admissions office: This is the most relevant department to handle student information updates. Explain your situation and inquire about the process for changing your registered email address and phone number. Ask if they can provide your student number without requiring access to the old email address.

      IT department: If the admissions office suggests contacting IT, follow their guidance. IT might be able to help you regain access to your old email or suggest alternative methods for verifying your identity and updating your contact information.

      2. Provide alternative verification methods:

      If you have any official documents containing your student number, such as acceptance letters, registration forms, or transcripts, present them to the college as proof of identification.
      If you remember any of your classmates or lecturers, ask them to confirm your identity to the college on your behalf.

      3. Update your contact information:

      Once your student number is retrieved and your identity is verified, request to update your registered email address to your current one.
      Provide your new phone number so you can receive SMS notifications from the institution.

  4. M a concerned parent my daughter was doing Ne management assistant. So she was owing last semester. So today she went for registration and they told her tht system closed for registration. She stuck there I dnt know what to do

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