False Bay College Online Application 2025

The management of False Bay College wishes to inform all applicants that online Applications for various programs for 2025 are ongoing at www.falsebaycollege.co.za.


  • False Bay College Applications for 2025 open around August or September.
  • All applications to False Bay TVET College must be completed via the online portal
  • that certified copies of your supporting documents need to be uploaded.

Table of Contents

How to Apply Online at False Bay College

The False Bay TVET College Online Application can be accessed below.

False Bay College Online Application Portal – www.falsebaycollege.co.za/study-here/apply-now

All new applicants must complete the Career Interest Questionnaire before applying.

STEP 1: Create an Online Profile

Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, you’ll need to create an online profile on the False Bay College website. This will give you access to the online application form and other resources.

STEP 2: Complete the Online Application Form

You’ll need to provide your personal information, academic history, and contact details. You’ll also need to choose the program you’re interested in and indicate whether you’re applying for full-time or part-time study.

STEP 3: Upload the Required Documents

You’ll need to upload a few documents to support your application, including:

  • Certified copy of your ID document or birth certificate (if under 18)
  • Most recent academic results
  • Proof of address
  • Personal information consent form (signed by yourself or your parent/guardian if you’re under 18)

STEP 4: Submit Your Application

Once you’ve completed the application form and uploaded all the required documents, you can submit your application online.


  • You can apply for up to three programs on the same application form.
  • You can track the status of your application online.
  • If you’re applying for a funded program or learnerships, you’ll need to complete a separate application form in addition to the online application form.

Therefore, if you cannot access the False Bay TVET College Online Application please visit the official website below, or drop a comment and we will reply within 48 hours.

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  1. I want to apply for False bay College

  2. I want to apply at false bay college

  3. I want to go further with my studies

  4. I want to apply at falsebay college

  5. Please visit the False Bay TVET College website for campus, programmes and application information. http://www.falsebaycollege.co.za

    • Hi when is the closing date for the application because I’m still waiting for my result at your college (falls bay college) to apply..Was doing level 4 ECD learnership

  6. Which date is the registration for returning students

  7. Is the still space available in tourism course?

  8. I want to study further at FalseBay college now in 2020, so I would like to know if there’s a space available for Tourism

  9. I want to apply at false bay college for 2020 .so I would like to know that the space Is still available for engineering course?

  10. Hi I would like to know if applications are still open for 2020

  11. nokuthula voortou

    Can i get the dates for next year application date open
    Thank you

  12. Hello I can’t go right in the online application it’s says the attackers might be using me passwords and staff please help me

  13. I don’t understand just assist me on how to apply online please I’ve downloaded the application Forms them what next???I want to study next year

  14. Can I have a link for applications

  15. I applied with the email last month i didnt get any email or sms after applying so how am i going to check my status

  16. Am I able to apply at false bay by Gmail?

  17. I want to apply how can i apply?

  18. Hi want to apply how ca you help by sending me application form

  19. Good day

    I already applied and they send me a feedback on my application the problem now I don’t know how to accept an offer because if I try to click accept the offer it will disappear before I click accept sooo what can I do

  20. I want apply at false bay college but i can’t through please help me to apply online

  21. I want to apply online

  22. How can i apply online?

  23. I would like to go to false bay for my desire my be a reality

  24. I want to apply at falsebay college for hospitality. Is the space still available?

  25. Hello there,
    I’m Lulama Sybok and I’ve made an application to be one of your students for year 2021. I’ve applied for IT at Fish Hoek Campus but I don’t know how far is my application with you.
    Thank you!

  26. i would love to study engineering, so is there space for 2021

  27. I Want to study at FalseBay College but am Struggle to Apply Online

  28. Hi I’m NALEDI KWEZI i want to apply online but I’m struggling to appload my documents

    PleAse help me

  29. I want to apply at falsebay collage for hospitality..is there an any space?

  30. Hi my name is Akho Saunders I am struggling to apply at falsebay college please help me

  31. I want to apply online bt am struggling to do so

  32. Can you send me a application form for education

  33. I want to apply for a Early childhood development course but I’m struggling I can’t see the learnership

  34. Hi There

    I’m vuyokazi Gunuza
    I’m trying to apply for the bookkeeping and administration clerk course at Michelle’s plain compass, it’s a full time course but it gives me an option for part time. Plz help

  35. Hi, I’m struggling to apply online. Qualification & Mode if delivery doesn’t give me any options and now I can’t go to the next step. Can you please assist me?

  36. How to track my application status at falsebay College

  37. I tried to put in my mode of delivery but with no luck I didn’t get it right

  38. I want to apply online in FalseBay collage online, but i am struggling to do that. Can i get some help?

  39. My name is Lisa Siyikili I wanna apply online but am struggling to do it

  40. I cannot assess

  41. I lost my phone and email with the portal link.how can I check my status

  42. I want to fix my grade 12 subjects at false bay college

  43. Can someone inform me on how to apply online

  44. I WANT to apply at falsebay college and I tried several times but it didn’t go through instead it shows the other colleges which i didn’t search for because I went to your page

  45. Hey I’m Anelisa I applied in September for 2021 but I don’t get any response I only received one massage that you received my application.but since then there is nothing

  46. I want to study so that i can change my situation in my home

  47. I want to apply for Early child development at falsebay

  48. I want to apply but I couldn’t reach an application form. Your online system gave me a problem.

  49. Hi I want to apply online but am struggling to apply

  50. I want to apply now for this semester is still space available??

  51. Nizaam Philander

    I’m struggling to log in as I need to send my matrick certificate.

  52. I wznt to apply at False bay college but it keeps on saying there’s a server error what should I do? And I’m worried when is the closing date? I reside in Gauteng East Rand and there’s isn’t a Falsebay college so I won’t even be able to do a walk-in please quickly Assist🙏

  53. Hi false bay college I applied on the 18th of February in 2021 and I received a message saying you got my application and you will get in touch with me but you haven’t got back to me. So what can I do in order to know if I’m accepted or not?

  54. I’m unable to open the application link, what can I do?

  55. Nomasande Tompana

    I would like to do an online application at false bay college

  56. Hi I want to check my status in false bay college

  57. Hi I want to check my status in false bay college

  58. I want to apply now at fase bay collage

  59. I have tried to apply but my application Keep on saying that it is not private

  60. Hi when will the applications close

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