How to Change a Course at Central University of Technology

There are so many reasons that may have triggered you to make this decision. Before you step into such a challenge, if you don’t mind, Let’s review those things which can cause a change of heart.

According to Central University of Technology, the few reasons you would want to change your qualification are;

  • Experiencing challenges related to your studies.
  • If your circumstances have changed.
  • You no longer feel connected with your planned career path.

While in this situation, you are to ask yourself three questions, therefore, providing a satisfactory answer yourself.

  • Why do I want to change my qualifications?
  • What do I change to?
  • What is the next step?

Table of Contents

How to Change a Qualification at Central University of Technology

Having decided and come to the conclusion to go ahead with changing your qualifications, follow the steps below to arrive at your decision.


To change your qualification, first, make a survey, visit and Explore the careers section of the courses on offer at the CUT website to help you do more research about different career options and related qualifications.


The next thing to do is to apply for CUT admission to the new qualification during the next application period.


Prospective applicants (only those who have already submitted their applications) can amend/change their personal details on the online application, or request a change of qualification or campus (if capacity allows) by contacting the Central Applications Office on +27 (0)51 507 3151. Please be sure to have your university number and contact details ready.

Alternatively, you can apply for a new qualification at Central University of Technology.

By applying to a new application, you will NOT continue from where you stopped, rather you are applying as a freshman for a new qualification.


Have a conversation with a counsellor about your career- and study options.

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