10 Things to Do That Will Protect You Against Sexual Assault

Understand that sexual assaults are not motivated by sexual desire. Unlike animals, humans are capable of controlling how they choose to act on or express sexual urges.

So What Then Is the Reason for Sexual Assault? Hate is one of the core reasons for sexual assault. Sexual offenders come from all educational, occupational, racial and cultural backgrounds.

How Can You Identify Sex Offenders? Every state is required to maintain public records regarding registered sex offenders. Therefore, check your state’s official sex offender registry.

How to Protect Yourself Against Sexual Assault

As a young student hoping to make it through a world where it is impossible to avoid cruel people totally, how do you avoid assault?

It is good to be free-spirited, but you might want to consider these few reasons to minimize dealing with all situations.

  1. Avoid hazardous situations.
  2. Communicate your limits soundly.
  3. Trust your instincts.
  4. Respond physically.
  5. Always have your
  6. Defend your boundaries even with the smallest violation.
  7. Speak up if a relationship with a friend, peer, or adult begins to change and move in directions that make you uncomfortable.
  8. Talk to someone you trust about an uncomfortable situation or person
  9. Avoid being alone with an awkward individual.
  10. Think about your safety first, don’t get drunk or walk home alone after a night out.

Above all, hold yourself with pride to avoid attracting the wrong person into your life.

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