If you are one of the candidates who were dissatisfied with their marks for various reasons, it is fortunate that you have to request a remark, which is subject to Umalusi’s approval and the outcomes are anticipated to be disclosed on March 1, 2024.
According to The Department of Basic Education, a re-mark involves the examination scripts being marked for a second time, while a re-check involves verifying that all questions have been duly marked and that all marks have been accurately calculated.
Therefore note that the applications for learners who qualify to enrol for the May/June 2024 examinations will remain open from 1 March 2024 until 15 March 2024.
Table of Contents
IEB NSC Supplementary Exams 2024
A limited number of individuals are eligible to take the Independent Examinations Board NSC Supplementary exams. The May/June 2024 examination period will be applicable for the following learners;
- Students who were absent in November 2021
- Students who wish to improve their November marks
In this examination, candidates are allowed to register for multiple subjects (except Life Orientation) and must complete both papers for subjects that require Paper 1 and Paper 2.
How to apply to IEB NSE Supplementary EXAMS 2024
as stated by the IEB, individuals will have to apply online to rewrite their final matric examinations and the cost is R1510 per paper.
Once the exam papers have been marked and the results released, those who rewrote their matric exams must apply to obtain a “combined” IEB final Grade 12 certificate.