
KCGS About, Website, Contact Details

Kenya Coast Guard Service (KCGS)

About Kenya Coast Guard Service Founded: 2018 Headquarters: Liwatoni, Kenya About Kenya Coast Guard Service The concept of establishing Kenya Coast Guard Service (KCGS) is to pool the resources held within various Government agencies which have statutory responsibility over Kenya’s maritime domain. This domain has both state and non-State actors involved in various activities including exploration and exploitation of marine …

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KEBS About, Website, Contact Details

Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)

About Kenya Bureau of Standards Founded: 1974 Headquarters: Nairobi, Kenya. About Kenya Bureau of Standards The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) has remained the premier government agency for the provision of Standards, Metrology and Conformity Assessment (SMCA) services since its inception in 1974. Over that period its main activities have grown from the development of standards and quality control for …

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KenTrade About, Website, Contact Details

Kenya Trade

About KenTrade Founded: 2011 Headquarters: Embankment Plaza, Nairobi, Kenya. About KenTrade Kenya Trade Network Agency is a State Corporation under the National Treasury established in in January 2011 to establish, implement and manage the National Electronic Single Window System (KenyaTradeNet System) and to facilitate trade. Kenya Trade Net System is an online platform that serves as a single entry point …

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JSC About, Website, Contact Details

Judicial Service Commission (JSC)

About Judicial Service Commission Founded: 2010 Headquarters: Nairobi, Kenya About Judicial Service Commission The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) is a part-time constitutional commission established under Article 171 of the Constitution. The functions of the Judicial Service Commission are outlined in Articles 172, 252 and 253 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and Section 13 Part III of the Judicial Service …

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ICTA About, Website, Contact Details

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

About Information and Communication Technology Authority Founded: 2013 Headquarters: Nairobi, Kenya About Information and Communication Technology Authority The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Authority is a State Corporation under the Ministry of Information Communication and Technology. The corporation was established in August 2013. The Authority is tasked with rationalizing and streamlining the management of all Government of Kenya ICT functions. …

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KNCHR About, Website, Contact Details

Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR)

About Kenya National Commission on Human Rights Founded: 2010 Headquarters: Nairobi, Kenya About Kenya National Commission on Human Rights The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) is an independent National Human Rights Institution created by Article 59 if the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and established through the KNCHR Act of Parliament (the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights Act, …

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KFS About, Website, Contact Details

Kenya Forest Service (KFS)

About Kenya Forest Service Founded: 2016 Headquarters: Karura Forest, Kenya About Kenya Forest Service Kenya Forest Service (KFS) is a body corporate established under the Forest Conservation and Management Act (FCMA), 2016 with the mandate to enhance development, conservation and management of Kenya’s forest resources in all public forests for the equitable benefit of present and future generations.  In addition, …

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COC About, Website, Contact Details

About Clinical Officers Council Founded: 1989 Headquarters: Nairobi, Kenya About Clinical Officers Council The Clinical Officers Council (COC) is a body corporate under an Act of Parliament, Act No.  20 of 2017 Laws of Kenya. In accordance to this Act, COC mandate is to regulate training, registration, licencing and practice of all Clinical officers.  The Council was first established in …

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KFC About, Website, Contact Details

Kenya Film Commission (KFC)

About Kenya Film Commission Founded: 2005 Headquarters: Nairobi, Kenya. About Kenya Film Commission The Kenya Film Commission (KFC) was established vide Legal Notice No. 10 of 2005 as a State Agency. In line with the Parastatal Reform Process, a new legal notice No. 147 capturing new and expanded functions of the Commission was signed in July 2015.The Commission is a …

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KFCB About, Website, Contact Details

Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB)

About Kenya Film Classification Board Founded: 1998 Headquarters: Nairobi, Kenya About Kenya Film Classification Board The Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) is a State corporation established under the Films and Stage Plays Act Cap 222 of the Laws of Kenya (1998). Our role is to regulate the creation, broadcasting, possession, distribution and exhibition of film content. In so doing we …

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