MMUST Intake 2025/2026 Application Form: January, April, May, August & September

The Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, MMUST Intakes Application Form 2025/2026. Applications are invited from qualified candidates wishing to pursue the following programmes and wishes to join the University during intakes. Privately Sponsored Students Programmes (PSSP), Fulltime, Part-time and Distance Learning study modes available.

MMUST 2025/2026 Intake Admission Application Forms has been released. 2024 Intake, MMUST Admissions 2025/2026, MMUST Application Form 2024, MMUST Entry Requirements, How to Apply, Intake Deadline available below.

This post contains the list of all the available intake in the MMUST for 2025/2026 academic year. Eg. the January Intake, April Intake, May Intake, September Intake etc, Programmes associated, Schools/faculty/Institution, Deadlines/Reporting Dates and their Requirement available below.

MMUST Intake Application Form

There are different programmes for Certificate, Diploma, Degree, Masters and PhD offered in the below intakes. You should visit the online application portal to confirm whether a course you are interested in is offered in any of the 6 intakes listed below and take note of the Application Deadline.

Full Details Here📌Intake Application Form 2025/2026

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  1. Wanted to pursue diploma in education secondary option as from this month,how can I get an application form

  2. I have diploma in community development and I want to pursue degree will I start first year or what

  3. Those who missed 2020 intake under KUCCPS, when are they expected to join in 2021

  4. Wanted to transfer from one University to it possible?

  5. Hi,when is the january intake start?

  6. I did diploma in education arts at egerton university and I want to enroll for a degree this year ,can I start from 2nd year?
    Do you have crash program?

  7. I have just received an admission letter for January intake 2021 then I’m told that there’s no program going on now till September how can I be held kindly. Diana Aluoch

  8. Hi, hold a bachelor of science in Agriculture and Diploma in Agriculture. I would like to enroll for a masters in Disaster management and sustainable development under(ODLP) for September intake. Please guide on the application process for foreign students

  9. Wish to take Diplo in business administration, how do I get admitted and begin classes this April

  10. When is January intake starts

  11. I want to be notified for the next intake for January 2023. So please and kindly let me know if possible.

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