UoN Contact Details: Website, Address, Phone Number & Email

We have compiled a list of University of Nairobi (UoN) addresses and contacts together. This list contains the University of Nairobi (UoN) Website, Address, Phone Number & Email.


If you are looking for UoN Contact Details, the information below is quite helpful and can be used positively.

Table of Contents

UoN Contact Details – UoNBI

Official UoNBI – https://www.uonbi.ac.ke

University of Nairobi
P.O.Box 30197, GPO, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (+254-20) 491 0000

Social Connect

Facebook: University of Nairobi
Twitter: @uonbi
Instagram: @universityofnairobi

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  1. Hey I was placed to university of nairobi but I didn’t get my registration number that I can be able to download my admission letter from please send it to this email Jjos3466@gmail.com

  2. Atuya Victor nyambega

    Please resend me my registration number


    I need to know how a non Kenyan student can get admission into the University of Nairobi….plizzzzz I need to get into the campus so badly

  4. Respected sir,

    Sub; Application for the post Lecturer in mathematics .

    Well and wish the same from you .I have finished M.sc. . M.phil. .
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    Thanks and regards

    Dr.D.kanthakumar .Ph.D

    Malawi numberWhats app ; +265985378026

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