About Naftal

Naftal is the principal company selling petroleum-based fuels for domestic consumption in Algeria; its gas stations are a familiar sight throughout the country. Founded in 1981 by government decree, it was responsible for refining and distribution until 1987. In 1998, it became a subsidiary of Sonatrach.

Naftal was founded on 6 April 1981

Naftal is specialized in the distribution and sale of finished petroleum products and operations of service stations for the domestic market. Naftal manages 1,400 service stations in 2012.

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Naftal Information

Industry Energy, Petrochemical
Founded 6 April 1981
Algiers, Algeria
Key people
Kamel Benfriha (President and CEO)
Products Gasoline, Diesel, LPG, Lubricants, Butane
Services Filling station
Net income
15.65 billion Algerian dinars (DZA)
Number of employees
29,885 (2008)
Website www.naftal.dz

Source – Wikipedia.


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