UPDATED: How to Register To Rewrite Matric Subjects 2023

Most students didn’t meet the minimum requirements and want to register to rewrite some of their matric subjects, here’s what to do.


Registration for Matric 2023 is ongoing through the Second Chance Matric programme.

Table of Contents

How to Register To Rewrite Matric Subjects 2023

The board has provided anyone who wants to rewrite their Matric Exams with the option of writing any subject no matter what marks they got.

“The supplementary examination in February has been phased out and is therefore no longer available. A new examination is available during February where candidates can improve their or complete outstanding results.”

Reasons to Rewrite Matric/Supplementary Examinations

  1. If you didn’t have the required scores.
  2. If you didn’t meet the entry requirement for University.
  3. Candidates who could not sit or finish the November examination due to medical reasons; a death in the family, or another particular reason, can also write the supplementary examinations. Such a candidate must provide documentary evidence of why they could not write in November.


The following opportunities to rewrite exist:

  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) supplementary exams
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) progressed learners (learners who wrote the NSC the previous year but did not sit for all 6 subjects)
  • Part-time NSC candidates (learners who attempted the NSC examinations post-2015)

Apply for remarking or rechecking by using the online registration services at www.eservices.gov.za.


To be registered you will need to submit the following:

  • Completed registration form
  • A certified copy of your ID document or birth certificate or passport (foreign candidates)
  • Repeater candidates must attach a copy of their previous highest qualification
  • If you have entered and written any other Grade 12 or equivalent examination before you will need to supply the examination numbers for those exams.

IMPORTANT: The department encourages Matrics who feel they might want to rewrite to register even if they haven’t seen their results yet or even if they won’t actually end up writing to avoid missing deadlines.

Deadline for NSC Registration

This exam period, which is on 20 January 2023 is then their second chance to pass Matric and get the Matric result that they wanted and needed, should they want to study further. Exams will then end on 8 February 2023.

For any remark enquiries, please contact the following:

  1. Tel: 021 467 2988
  2. Tel: 021 467 9360
  3. Tel: 021 467 2009
  4. Email: ExamMarking@westerncape.gov.za

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  1. Thaba lindelani

    I also like to upgrade my grade 12

  2. Phindile khawula

    I also like to write my matric

  3. Mandilakhe Sesethu Bekanjani

    I would like to rewrite my matric

  4. I didnt qualified to go to universities

  5. I im not impressed with my results so i want to study more to qualify to go to universities

  6. I also like to know how much 1 subject

  7. Have you registered? subscribe to our mailing to get more update on this

    • How do I drop a subject and pick up another for matric

      • Consult your academic advisor or headmaster. Discuss your reasons for wanting to drop the subject and seek guidance on the process and potential consequences. They can also advise on alternative options like switching classes within the same subject.

  8. I’m not impressed with my results due to reason being is that last year around November i lost my granny and it impacted my life so bad i couldn’t concentrate then this after i fetched my results i didn’t make i applied to rewrite our home. got burned with my documents . Now I’m living with my aunt .


    I would also like to upgrade and re write my matric.I did my matric in 2020 and would like to register to re write my matric

  10. I would like to write my matric

  11. I want to.rewrite my matric

  12. I want my daughter to rewrite 2 subjects

  13. i want the roster my son is registered but also have SA billiard competition in same time he need to write Afrikaans 1 and 2 and Business study. so i need a roster to see the date for this 3 in order for us to make arrangement, or can he write this exam earlier.

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