SAICA Mentorship Programme 2023

Applications for the 2023 SA ICA Mentorship programme open on Tuesday, 15 February 2023

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SA ICA Mentorship Programme Advert

  • Location: South Africa, Eastern Cape
  • Closing Date: Monday, 28 February 2023 – 12:00
  • Company: SAICA

A profession is only as good as the quality of the individual professionals that make it up and, in particular, a shared capacity to work and learn together. And a profession must serve society.

Criteria for selection of mentors and mentees:

  • Members must be in good standing
  • Members must have sufficient time available to commit to the programme
  • In the case of mentors, a minimum of five years’ post article experience with a philosophy of giving and commitment to developing others
  • In the case of mentees, generally less than seven years’ post articles experience
  • The narrative in your responses to this application (mentors and mentees) is a key selection criterion
  • Ability and commitment to attend all training sessions
  • Agreement to be willing to learn and to ask for, give and receive feedback


Attend all training events, ambassador mentee pods and sessions agreed with your mentor (minimum 6 sessions)

Willingness to learn – being open to learn, give feedback, ask for what you want, be clear, take time to reflect on your internal learning process, stretch yourself and use the experience to boost your own opportunities and effectiveness in the world.

  • 6 mentoring sessions
  • 4 training events
  • 4 ambassador pods

By applying, you are acknowledging that you understand that each of these elements are integral to your participation on this programme.


Attend all training events, skills sessions, ambassador mentor pods and sessions agreed with your mentee (minimum 6 sessions).

Willingness to learn – being open to learn, give feedback, ask for what you want, be clear, take time to reflect on your internal learning process, stretch yourself and use the experience to boost your own opportunities and effectiveness in the world.

  • 6 mentoring sessions
  • 4 skills training sessions
  • 4 main training events
  • 4 ambassador pods


Ambassador roles do vary a little, but generally the responsibilities are as follows:

  • Willingness to learn and lead and model the discipline of self-directed adult learning – being open to learn, give feedback, ask for what you want, be clear, take time to reflect on your internal learning process, stretch yourself and use the experience to boost your own opportunities and effectiveness in the world (even if you are very experienced and in a senior position)

Attendance commitments

  • 10 – 15 Ambassador meetings: planning, training, debrief, selection and matching
  • Organize and run 4 pod sessions for participants – either mentors or mentees to encourage and tutor learning of participants
  • Attend 4 main trainings for the cohort of your pod group
  • Optional
    • attend 4 mentor skills trainings to learn how to facilitate experiential learning and the practice of professional mentoring supervision
    • Co-facilitate primary training event
    • Selection and matching

How to Apply to SAICA


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