South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC)
Founded: 1973
Jurisdiction: South Africa
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Table of Contents
About the SALRC
The South African Law Reform Commission is a law reform commission which investigates the state of South African law and makes proposals for its reform to Parliament and the provincial legislatures. It is an independent advisory statutory body established by the South African Law Reform Commission Act of 1973
- SALRC Official Website –
- Career – SALRC Vacancies 2023 – SA Government Jobs
- Contact Page:
For more information, you are to contact the authorities through the provided contact details below, simply navigate to the linked text to below;
South African Law Reform Commission Secretary: Mr Nelson Matibe
Assistant Secretary: Mr Chris Masibulele Mfunzana
Physical Address: Spooral Park Building, 2007 Lenchen Avenue South, Centurion, Pretoria
Postal Address: Private Bag x668, 0001, South Africa
Tel: 012 622 6300
Facsimile: 012 622 6261