TEVT Public Colleges and Contact Details

This is the list of TEVT Public Colleges and Contact Details: In this Post, you’ll get to know the TEVT Public Colleges and Contact Details in South Africa (SA).

TVET Public Colleges, TVET Public Colleges Contact Details, List of TEVET Public College in the Republic of South Africa, Contact and important pieces of information are brought to you here on beraportal.com.

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There are fifty registered and accredited public TVET Colleges in South Africa which operate on more than 264 campuses spread across the rural and urban areas of the country.

Public TVET Colleges are established and operated under the authority of the Continuing Education and Training Act 16 of 2006 and resort under the Department of Higher Education and Training.

Public TVET Colleges are subsidized by the state with approximately R8 billion per year. Each region has a DHET regional office that provides specialized professional support to the public TVET Colleges in provinces.

DHET Regional Offices should not be confused with District Offices in provinces. District Offices oversee school education for the Department of Basic Education.

TEVT Public Colleges and Contact Details

Boland TVET College

Boland TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.bolandcollege.com hq@bolandcollege.com (021) 886 7111/2
31 Bird Street, Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa


College of Cape Town for TVET

College of Cape Town for TVET

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.cct.edu.za info@cct.edu.za (0860) 103 682
334 Albert Road, Salt River, Cape Town, 7001

False Bay College

False Bay TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.falsebaycollege.co.za info@falsebay.org.za (021) 787 0800
131 Main Road, Muizenberg, 7945

Northlink TVET College

Northlink TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.northlink.co.za info@northlink.co.za (0860) 065 465
80 Voortrekker Road, Bellville 7530

South Cape TVET College

South Cape TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.sccollege.co.za central@scccollege.co.za (044) 884 0359
125 Mitchell Street, George, 6529

West Coast TVET College

West Coast TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.westcoastcollege.co.za enquiries@westcoastcollege.co.za (022) 482 1143
48 Voortrekker Road, Malmesbury, 7299WESTERN CAPE (WC)
Orbit TVET College

Orbit TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.orbitcollege.co.za info@orbitcollege.co.za (014) 592 7014
Cnr Bosch and Fatima Bhayat Street Rustenburg 0300


Taletso TVET College

Taletso TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.taletsofetcollege.co.za info@taletsofetcollege.co.za (018) 384 2346
Albert Luthuli Drive, Mmabatho, North West 2735


Vuselela TVET College

Vuselela TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.vuselelacollege.co.za enquiries@vuselelacollege.co.za (018) 406 7800
133 Church Street Klerksdorp

Northern Cape Rural TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.ncrfet.co.za ewertr@co.ncrfet.co.za (054) 331 3836
Steve Naude Street Upington


Northern Cape Urban TVET College

Northern Cape Urban TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.ncufetcollege.edu.za aysha@ncufetcollege.edu.za (053) 839 2000
37 Long Street Kimberly, South Africa 8301



Ehlanzeni TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.ehlanzenicollege.co.za info@ehlanzenicollege.co.za (013) 752 7105 29 Bell Street Ehlanzeni FET College Central Office Nelspruit 1200


Gert Sibande TVET College

Gert Sibande TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.gscollege.co.za ceo@gsc4u.com (017) 712 9040 18A Beyers Naude Drive Standerton 2430


Nkangala TVET College

Nkangala TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.nkangalafet.edu.za info@nkangalafet.edu.za (013) 690 1430 Cnr Haig & Northey Street Witbank 1035


Capricorn TVET College

Capricorn TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.capricorncollege.co.za hmotsepe@capricorncollege.co.za (015) 297 8367 Corner Dorp Street & College Avenue Polokwane 0700



Letaba TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.letabafet.co.za centraloffice@letabafet.co.za (015) 307 5440 No 1 Claude Wheatley Street Tzaneen 0850


Mopani South East TVET College

Mopani South East TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.mopanicollege.edu.za svdc@mopanicollege.edu.za (015) 781 5721 21 Wildevy Avenue Phalaborwa 1390


Sekhukhune TVET College

Sekhukhune TVET College

Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.sekfetcol.org sekfet@sekfetcol.co.za (013) 269 0278 Stand No 676 Motetema, Limpopo 0473


Vhembe TVET CollegeVhembe TVET College Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.vhembefet.co.za info@vhembefet.co.za (015) 963 3156 203 Sibasa Unit A Sibasa 0970


Waterberg TVET CollegeWaterberg TVET College Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.waterbergcollege.co.za hq@waterbergcollege.co.za (015) 491 8581 36 Hooge Street Mokopane 0600


  • KwaZulu-Natal (KZN)
Coastal TVET CollegeCoastal TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.coastalkzn.co.za cao.ckzcao@feta.gov.za (031) 905 7000
No 50051 Old Main Road Kwa Makhutha 4125


Elangeni TVET CollegeElangeni TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.efet.co.za info.elangeni@feta.gov.za (031) 716 6700
15 Portsmouth Road Pinetown 3610


Esayidi TVET CollegeEsayidi TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.esayidifet.co.za info@esayidifet.co.za (039) 318 1433
22 Veronica Road Gamalakhe, Kwazulu Natal 4249


Majuba TVET CollegeMajuba TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.majuba.edu.za tdngwenya@majuba.edu.za (034) 318 2023
52 Voortrekker Street Newcastle 2940


Mnambithi TVET CollegeMnambithi TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.mnambithicollege.co.za info.mnambithi@feta.gov.za (036) 638 3800
77 Murchison Street Ladysmith 3370


Mthashana TVET CollegeMthashana TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
mthashana@telkomsa.net (034) 980 1010
266 South Street, Vryheid, Kwazulu Natal 3100


Thekwini TVET CollegeThekwini TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.thekwinicollege.co.za info.tekcao@feta.gov.za (031) 250 8400
262 Daintree Avenue Asherville 4091


Umfolozi TVET CollegeUmfolozi TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.umfolozicollege.co.za info.umfcao@feta.gov.za (035) 902 9503
Corner Via Richardia & Naboomnek Richards bay 3900


Umgungundlovu TVET CollegeUmgungundlovu TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.ufetc.edu.za info@ufetc.edu.za (033) 341 2100
47 Prince Alfred Street Pietermaritzburg 3200


Central Johannesburg TVET CollegeCentral Johannesburg TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.cjc.co.za info@cjc.co.za (011) 484 1388
5 Ubla Road Parktown, Johannesburg, Gauteng


Ekurhuleni East TVET CollegeEkurhuleni East TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.eec.edu.za info@eec.edu.za (011) 730 6600
Sam Ngema Road Kwa-Thema Springs 1560


Ekurhuleni West TVET CollegeEkurhuleni West TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.ewc.edu.za info@ewc.edu.za (011) 876 6958
Driehoek and Sol Road Germiston 1400


Sedibeng TVET CollegeSedibeng TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.sedcol.co.za info@sedcol.co.za (016) 422 6645
37 Voortrekker Street Vereeniging, Gauteng 1930


South West TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.swgc.co.za callcentre@swgc.co.za (011) 984 1260
Corner Koma and Molele Road Molapo Section Soweto


Tshwane North TVET CollegeTshwane North TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.tnc.edu.za info@tnc.edu.za (012) 401 1950 / (012) 000 0135
Cnr. Potgieter & Pretorius Streets Pretoria


Tshwane South TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.tsc.edu.za info@tsc.edu.za (012) 660 8581
College Avenue Tek Base Lyttelton Centurion 0140


Western TVET CollegeWestern TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.westcol.co.za info@westcol.co.za (011) 693 3608
Kiewiet Street Helikon Park Randfontein 1760


Flavius Mareka TVET CollegeFlavius Mareka TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.flaviusmareka.net adelicem@flaviusmareka.net (016) 976 0815/29
Cnr Hertzog Road and Fraser Street Sasolburg 1947


Goldfields TVET CollegeGoldfields TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.gfc.za.net admin@gfc.za.net (057) 392 1027
Corner Toronto & Petrus Bosch St, Jan Celliers park, Welkom 9459


Maluti TVET CollegeMaluti TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.malutifet.org gugunzi@webmail.co.za (058) 713 3048/6100
Mampoi Street Phuthaditjhaba Qwaqwa 9866


 Motheo TVET CollegeMotheo TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.motheotvet.co.za marketing@motheotvet.co.za (051) 406 9300
Corner St George & Aliwal Street, Motheo, Bloemfontein 9300


Buffalo City TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.bccollege.co.za information@bccollege.co.za (437) 049 9201
Corner Lukin Road & King Street Selborne East London 5201


Eastcape Midlands TVET CollegeEastcape Midlands TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.emcol.co.za info@emcol.co.za (041) 995 2000
Corner Cuyler & Durban St, Uitenhage Central, Uitenhage, 6229


Ikhala TVET CollegeIkhala TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.ikhalacollege.co.za tuletu.njengele@ikhalacollege.org.za (045) 838 2593
Corner Robinson and Zeiler Street Queenstown 5320


Ingwe TVET CollegeIngwe TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
canca@ingwecollege.org.za (039) 255 0346/1204
Cancele Road, Mount Frere, Eastern Cape 5090


King Hintsa TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
teki@kinghintsafetcollege.org.za (047) 491 3722
Centane Road, Butterworth, Eastern Cape


King Sabata Dalindyebo TVET CollegeKing Sabata Dalindyebo TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.ksdcollege.edu.za jola@ksdfetcollege.edu.za (047) 5360 923/4
Delville Road, Mthatha 5100, South Africa


Lovedale TVET CollegeLovedale TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.lovedalecollege.co.za zwele@lovedale.org.za (043) 642 1388
Amatola Row, King Williams Town 5600


Port Elizabeth TVET CollegePort Elizabeth TVET College
Official Websites Email Tel. Address
www.pecollege.edu.za info@pecollege.edu.za (041) 585 7771
139 Russell Road Central Port Elizabeth


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