The official Bloemfontein MediClinic, Bloemfontein MediClinic Contact Information can be found below as derived from the Bloemfontein MediClinic official website. As we strive to keep these contacts accurate and updated, the contact information can change without prior notice.
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About Bloemfontein MediClinic: Mediclinic Bloemfontein, the biggest hospital in the Mediclinic private hospital group opened its doors in July 1990. Since its inception, the hospital has been a huge success due to its carefully planned design, sophisticated equipment, and facilities, its professional and dedicated staff and management, and leading medical professionals. Scroll down to learn more.
 ➡ SEE – List of All Registered Nursing Institutions in South Africa in PDF.
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Bloemfontein MediClinic Contact Details
Apart from offering emergency healthcare services, Bloemfontein MediClinic also has a session where future doctors, nurses, and other healthcare assistants are trained, which is the Bloemfontein MediClinic. Therefore, if you are in South African that wish to fall into this cycle, see our NURSING PORTAL TO APPLY.
Mediclinic Bloemfontein
Physical Address:
Cnr Kellner & Parfitt Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9301
Postal Address:
P O Box 12651, Brandhof, 9324
+27 51 404 6666
+27 51 404 6225 / 6 or 0800 051 051 (Emergency Department)
+27 51 444 1509
Emergency Number:
084 124
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Source: SANC
Team: BeraPortal