EXAMS ALERTS: Unisa Still Planning For Exams In May And June

FAQs: What is the pass mark for Unisa exams? What is a special exam at Unisa? What do I need to take to Unisa exam? What happens if you fail an Unisa exam?

The management of the University of South Africa, UNISA wishes to inform students that the May/June exams will still go ahead despite the national lockdown currently underway.

Unisa May/June Exams

Unisa has announced to students that they are working with the NSRC and Department of Health to find safe, fair and feasible ways to deal with the May/June exam period. The final details of the arrangements have not yet been made and will be communicated by the university when they are finalized.

➡ Unisa Results Date – Unisa Examination Results 2023

While many students who are on lockdown will be hoping that exams are canceled, others who are near to graduating will be hoping that the exams – or at least some form of assessment will continue. Commenting via Facebook Samasree Pillay is one of many who is encouraging the use of portfolios to assess students’ knowledge and understanding of the subjects.

➡ Unisa Examination Dates and Timetables

Samasree Pillay: We need PORTFOLIOS… with the current situation that the WORLD is faced with, venue based examinations should not even be an option.

Amy Deaking agrees:

Amy Deakin: Live Online Assessments and Portfolios are the only way forward. Just because lockdown ends soon does NOT mean there is no longer a virus problem.

Esther Mashau found the irony in the situation:

Esther Mashau: Top universities in SA are considering online examinations, but Unisa here, which is the only distance learning institution in SA, is actually contemplating a venue for examination. How ridiculous!

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