Free State School of Nursing Contact Details

The official Free State School of Nursing Contact Information can be found below as derived from the Free State School of Nursing official website. As we strive to keep these contacts accurate and updated, the contact information can change without prior notice.

“FAQs: Free state school of nursing online application 2022, Free state school of nursing online application forms 2021, Free state school of the nursing student portal, Free state school of nursing application forms 2022, Free state school of nursing application forms 2021 pdf download, Free state school of nursing application forms 2021 download, Free state school of nursing application forms 2021 pdf, Free state school of nursing Bongani hospital…”

About Free State School of Nursing: School of Nursing offers a range of programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate, and postbasic levels. Child Psychiatry, Wound Care and Forensic Nursing are unique in SA.

 ➡ SEE – List of All Registered Nursing Institutions in South Africa in PDF.

Free State School of Nursing Contact Details

If you are in South African that wishes to be a doctor, nurse, or other trained healthcare assistant, see our NURSING PORTAL TO APPLY.

Central Information Office

+27 51 401 3739

+27 86 579 5154



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Source: SANC

Team: BeraPortal.

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