We have compiled a list of the Regional Maritime University (RMU) addresses and contacts together. This list contains the Regional Maritime University, RMU Website, Address, Email & Tel.
Before we continue, let’s take a brief tour learning what really the University,s about.
If you are looking for the Regional Maritime University, RMU Contact Details, the information below is quite helpful and can be used positively.
Regional Maritime University Contact Details
Website: www.rmu.edu.gh
Regional Maritime University
Nungua, P.O. Gp 1115
Accra, Ghana
Phones: (00233)(0)302 712047; 714070; 714069
(00233)(0)302 712047; 714070; 714069
Email: registrar@rmu.edu.gh
Time: Mon — Fri: 8AM — 4PM
Please I am from Nigeria coming to apply for OOW navigation at RMU
I need your requirements and your price list.
Yours faithfully