We have compiled a list of the University of Professional Studies (UPSA) addresses and contacts together. This list contains the University of Professional Studies, UPSA Website, Address, Email & Tel.
Before we continue, let’s take a brief tour learning what really the University,s about.
If you are looking for the University of Professional Studies, UPSA Contact Details, the information below is quite helpful and can be used positively.
UPSA Contact Details
Postal Address:
P.O.Box LG 149, Accra – Ghana
Tel numbers:
Email: info@upsamail.edu.gh,
Tel.: +233 302 500 171
302 500 722
302 500 723
Fax Number:
+233 302 501174
Please did UPSA request birth certificate before processing admission, if YES. What other means can someone who thus not have some get admission. I’m waiting for Reply. Thank you
Please I haven’t received any admission notice yet.Please
may I know why?