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Harmony Gold P1 & P2 Internship Opportunities 2023
“Harmony Gold invites suitable applicants to apply for P1 & P2 Internship Programme 2023”
The internships are in the following disciplines:
- 11 January 2023
- Free State, North West and Gauteng
- Certified copy of a valid South African ID Document (SA Citizen)
- Certified copies of qualification related to the field applying for.
- Brief Curriculum Vitae
- Proof of Residence (Water and Lights account or a signed affidavit).
- Opportunities are open to South African citizens ONLY below the age of 35 years and who are residents of our local communties, Free State, North West and Gauteng
- Students applying for P1/P2 Experiential, must provide with application, a recent letter from the institution indicating the need for P1/P2 exposure. Exposure periods / Internship will vary depending on discipline and programme requirements.
- Only Graduates and Diplomats with a full tertiary qualification (3 or 4-year Diploma or Degree) obtained from accredidated South Africa universities and colleges will be allowed on the programme.
- Students applying for the Internships must have completed a diploma or degree in the field applying for and not have been benefited from a similar programme previously.
To apply, please forward all required documents, indicate clearly on the subjects, which operation OR region your applying to.
Email address: intern.WE@harmony.com