KMTC Online Application Intake 2025/2026

The Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) offers two primary intakes annually: March and September. These intakes provide opportunities for students to enrol in various certificate, diploma, and higher diploma courses in the medical field.

SEE – KMTC Online Application Form.

Table of Contents

Kenya Medical Training School Application Dates for Admission

The Management of The KMTC Wishes to Inform All Applicants that Online Registration Into Various Programs is now ongoing.

Application Requirements

To join KMTC to pursue a Certificate course, you must have a minimum of C- with specific qualifications in cluster subjects in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examinations (KCSE). For Diploma programmes, you must have attained a minimum of C with specific qualifications in cluster subjects.

Upgrading courses require that a candidate has a certificate in a respective field while for Higher Diploma programmes, candidates must have attained a Diploma course as per the following guidelines.

How to Apply Online

Below are the steps on how to apply at KMTC Application intake;

Step 1:

Navigate to –

Step 2:

Enter your “E-mail Address” and “Password”.

Step 3:

Click on “Login” to proceed.


All applicants to KMTC are advised to ensure that their applications are correctly done to compete for opportunities fairly; some of the areas to note are as follows;

  • KMTC has many courses at various levels and varying entry requirement clusters hence taking time to read the advertisement that has key information necessary for the application to be made with clear information
  • Determine the course you would like to study and be sure you qualify.
  • Plan for your training at KMTC on time, funding and social support
  • Be ready to take up your course if successful in any part of this country since our campuses are spread all over the country
  • Follow application guidelines and ensure you have applied on time and correctly
  • Remain active on email remembering the credentials that you can access your email at any time.

Contact KMTC for More Help

For more information on how to apply to Kenya Medical Training School (KMTC), you can visit the official website.

Possibly, you can contact Kenya Medical Training School, KMTC Admissions Department using the link below.

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  1. Did my kcse 2009.had no school fees now that am ready can I apply

      • Did my kcse in the year 2022. I was not able to apply for September intake how many intakes are there and when to apply. Please send the information to me so that I won’t be late for another intake. Can I do certificate in nursing with C- mean grade.


    Can I do certificate in Kenya Medical Training College

  3. Need courses for higher diploma

  4. Are admission letters for September intake 2022

  5. christine nangondo

    Would like to take a couse of diploma in clinical medicine when is the intake? Can i apply now?

  6. christine nangondo

    Kindly help, i want to apply diploma in clinical medicine march intake 2023. Is the portal ready to take the online application for this couse.

  7. is the kmtc portal for application on September opened for the 2023 intake march??

  8. Kibochi Jacinta wangechi

    When am I supposed to apply for clinical medicine course in your institution

  9. Are 2022 september intake admission letters out?

  10. I would like to apply for diploma in clinical medicine 2023 intake is the application ongoing

  11. I need to apply for diploma in community health nursing March 2023 intake is the portal open

  12. George Wafula Makhanu

    I did my kcse in 2009 but I’m much passionate to join kmtc I had a min grade of C plain with c- minus in Biology and chemistry C plain
    I’m eager to join if given an opportunity to apply and privileged to be selected amongst the qualified candidates
    My question when will match application commence?
    I want to study Kenya registered nurse Krn or Kenya registered community health nurse ( KRCHN)
    I have saved money for 8 years in order to study this flamboyant course

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