MMARAU Opening Dates – Maasai Mara University Reopening Date 2025/2026

MMaraU Undergraduate Opening Date, MMaraU Postgraduate Opening Date, and MMaraU  International Opening Date… The Maasai Mara University (MMU) Application Dates/Registration Dates for continuing and new students are as follows;

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MMaraU Reopening Date

The Maasai Mara University wishes to inform all newly admitted Undergraduate and Postgraduate (First-Year students/returning students) that the 2025/2026 Academic Year will commence soon.

Please note that the Kabarak University Opening and Reopening date has not yet been released. For now, Students are advised to keep notice of the old one till the new dates are released and announced to the public.

Therefore, if you are still unable to find the link(s) you are looking for, please visit the official website provided below, or could kindly drop a comment and We will respond within 48hrs.

For More Information Please contact the Maasai Mara University with the provided contact details below

Maasai Mara University
P.O. Box 861 – 20500, Narok, Kenya


Tel: +254 20 5131400

Admission Enquiries:

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  1. When are first year students opening for face to face learning?
    Did not know their was online classes for first year will it affect my studies?

    • for now, the school hasn’t decided on the day for face to face learning. If you fail to participate in online learning, It may affect your studies, therefore, contact your school for help ASAP.

    • Please inform me on new admissions reporting date or how/requirements for e learning subscription 2021/2022 academic year

  2. I hope they do open soon

  3. Please confirm if this admission number is valid:SB08/SR/MN/11839/2020

  4. Comment:I never participated in online learning will I be given another chance?

  5. When is the opening date for first year’s..

  6. when are undergraduate resuming at Maasai Mara university

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