May/June NSC Exams 2025

Great news for matric candidates who are anticipating the 2025 May/June matric examinations, the education department has recently announced the official commence date for the examination.

The purpose of the exams is to help candidates who previously wrote matric exams have a chance to improve their results or complete outstanding results.

The closing date for application for 2025 is 7 February 2025.

Table of Contents

NSC May/June Entry Requirement and Conditions

  • Candidates can only register for subjects which they were registered for in any previous November examination.
  • Candidates who were absent with a valid reason (medical unfit, death in the immediate family or other special reasons*) from one or more external question papers, may register for the NSC June examination, provided they have valid external paper marks (PAT, Oral and SBA).
  • Any NSC candidate (who wrote exams from 2008 November onwards) who wants to improve their overall achievement status, or only wants to improve the achievement of a subject, may register for the NSC June examination.
  • In the case where a candidate was absent for one or more papers in the November exam with a valid reason, the candidate has to write all the papers for the registered subject(s).
  • In a case where an irregularity is being investigated, provisional enrolment for the NSC June examination may be granted to the candidate concerned, pending the outcome of the investigation.
  • Candidates who did not write or complete one or more of the NSC November examination question papers for reasons other than illness/injury or death in the family may also apply to write the NSC June examination, provided they have valid external paper marks (PAT, Oral and SBA).
  • Result queries should be submitted for investigation within 30 days after the release of results.


Candidates must ensure that names and identity numbers reflect correctly on their statement of results and report any required corrections to the Department before 30/08/2024.

What Can I Do If I Do Not Qualify to Sit the June NSC Examination?

Candidates, who do not qualify to write the June NSC examination, have the following options:

  • Re-enrol for the NSC as a full-time repeater candidate at a school without delay, provided that the candidate is younger than 21 years of age. Candidates need to enrol for 7 subjects(including Life Orientation) and have to comply with all SBA requirements.
  • Register as a part-time repeater candidate at a Public Adult Education Centre.
  • Register for the Senior Certificate (SC) examination which is a school leaving qualification for adults and out-of-school learners who are above 21 years of age.
  • Alternatively, candidates who were not successful in their examinations could consider vocational education and training. There are 50 Public Further Education and Training (FET) colleges across all provinces of South Africa comprising over 300 campuses or teaching sites.

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