Google FAQs: Frequently Ask Questions from NQF

The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is the system that records the credits assigned to each level of learning achievement in a formal way to ensure that the skills and knowledge that have been learned are recognized throughout the country.

Table of Contents

What is a NQF level 7 qualification?

The NQF consist of 10 levels divided into three bands; Levels 1 to 4 equate to high school grades 9 to 12 or vocational training, 5 to 7 are college diplomas and technical qualifications, 7 to 10 are university degrees

Levels Designation
1 Grade 9
2 Grade 10 and National (vocational) Certificates level 2
3 Grade 11 and National (vocational) Certificates level 3
4 Grade 12 (National Senior Certificate) and National (vocational) Cert. level 4
5 Higher Certificates and Advanced National (vocational) Cert.
6 National Diploma and Advanced certificates
7 Bachelor’s degree, Advanced Diplomas, Post Graduate Certificate, and B-tech
8 Honors degree, Post Graduate Diploma, and Professional Qualifications
9 Master’s degree
10 Doctor’s degree

What are the 7 quality areas

The seven quality areas covered by the National Quality Standard are:

  • QA 1 – Educational program and practice
  • QA 2 – Children’s health and safety
  • QA 3 – Physical environment
  • QA 4 – Staffing arrangements
  • QA 5 – Relationships with children
  • QA 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
  • QA 7 – Leadership and service management

What are the five components of the NQF?

The National Quality Framework includes:

  1. the National Law and the National Regulations
  2. the National Quality Standard
  3. a national quality rating and assessment process
  4. a Regulatory Authority in each state or territory that regulates services and administers the assessment and rating process
  5. a national body to oversee the system – ACECQA

What are the four components of the NQF?

The NQF includes:

  • National Law and National Regulations.
  • National Quality Standard.
  • Assessment and Quality Rating Process.
  • National Learning Frameworks.

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