The registration period varies depending on whether you are a first-year student, Refer to the NWU Registration website for specific dates. If you’re already North-West University student, registration dates are typically announced in January/February
If you are a new student, you will need to activate your student account before you can register.
How to Register at North-West University
- North-West University Registration Portal –
- NWU Distance Learning Registration:
Follow the steps provided below to select your program, modules, and complete the registration process.
- Go to NWU online self-registration portal:
- Login with your University Number and PIN
- Continuing Students should follow the instructions provided by NWU, which may involve online self-registration through the student portal.
- Pay any outstanding fees as instructed by NWU. This usually involves online payment methods.
- Once payment is confirmed, you’ll receive official registration confirmation.
Be patient while NWU processes your registration. If you see that your registration will not be processed by the closing date for registrations, contact NWU Student Services: 018 389 2025 / 018 389 2763 /