The official Thuto Bophelo Nursing School Contact Information can be found below as derived from the Thuto Bophelo Nursing School official website. As we strive to keep these contacts accurate and updated, the contact information can change without prior notice.
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About Thuto Bophelo Nursing School Training Institute: Thutobophelo Training and Skills Academy is one of the best Training Providers in South Africa to offer HWSETA and QCTO accredited training and skills development programmes for the healthcare sector.
 ➡ SEE – List of All Registered Nursing Institutions in South Africa in PDF.
Thuto Bophelo Nursing School Contact Details
If you are in South African that wishes to be a doctor, nurse, or other trained healthcare assistant, see our NURSING PORTAL TO APPLY.
270 Struben Street
Pretoria CBD
Postal Address:
PO BOX 30367
(012) 323 3375
086 548 5675
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Source: SANC
Team: BeraPortal.