What Is an Academic Transcript in South Africa?
An academic transcript is an official record of your attendance, coursework, and grades from an academic institution. Usually one would only attach a transcript when an employer requests it in the application process, in which case it would be a requirement that could disqualify you should you refuse to submit a copy.
How Long Does a University Keep Your Transcripts?
AACRO guidelines suggest that a community college should retain these transcripts for a minimum of one year after the term in which you applied if you do not enroll; otherwise, it should retain them for a minimum of five years after your graduation or last date of attendance.
UWC Academic Transcripts
To get your Academic Record, you’ll need to contact the UWC helpdesk; The Student Administration Helpdesk is committed to providing both accurate information and prompt service by being approachable, helpful, respectful and professional at all times.
âž¡ https://www.uwc.ac.za/Registrar/Stud7entAdmin/Pages/Student-Administration-Helpdesk.aspx
I’m a postgraduate student :My student number :921224(I can’t remember ) My ID : 6605150521086
If still possible may you please send me my academic transcripts please. For both BA and Higher Diploma in Education(HDE)
Thank you in advance for your positive response.