www.capricorncollege.co.za Application Status 2026/2027

www.capricorncollege.co.za Application Status – How to Track Your Capricorn College Application Status. Capricorn College Status Check 2026, Capricorn TVET College Application Status, Check Capricorn College Online Application Status, Capricorn TVET College Application Status Check, Capricorn College Student application Status, Capricorn College Application Admission Status, Capricorn TVET College Application Status Portal, etc…

How to Check Capricorn College Application Status 2026

Haven’t received a response for your Capricorn TVET College – Polokwane application for admission? Track and access the admission application status online

➡ Capricorn College Application 2026: How to Apply Online for Registration.

Step 1:

To check the Capricorn TVET College application status got to http://www.capricorncollege.co.za/

Step 2:

Enter your application login details and then click the “Submit” button.


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  1. Hi since I applied online 22 November 2020 even now I didn’t get respond

  2. I wouldn’t like to be student in Capricorn college

  3. I wouldn’t like to study my course in Capricorn college

  4. I wouldn’t be excited if I found space to study at Capricorn college

  5. Netshiokho Tshedza

    Hi. I applied on the 22 of September 2020 and they accepted my request, I accept offer, they call me to bring some documents so that they can register me. By that time when the call me I was in Hospital because I was sick and I didn’t manage to da that, so my question is that if I go there this month with my documents they can help me ?

  6. I would like to study at Capricorn collage

  7. I would to study at Capricorn collage

  8. I would be excited if I found I space to study at Capricorn college

  9. I would like to study with you

  10. Hi there,
    Click on the link in the above post to know your application status.
    If you haven’t gotten any response, please visit the school website.

    • How long doesn’t it take to be accepted at Capricorn tvet college course I’ve been waiting for 3 months now I’m starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with my application and I can’t afford to take another gap year can you atleast help me

    • There’s no link

  11. Hi there,
    The link to check your status is provided in the post above.

  12. Hi,

    Since I applied on 1st March for 2nd trimester until today no response

    • Hi there,
      Please sorry that we are not the school website. Please kindly visit the school’s official website for help.

  13. Hey i have registered this year for 2022 but i have not been responde’ i need to know my status

  14. Mpho Prudence Makhubela


    I applied at Tvet capricorn on July n I didn’t get any respond yet

  15. Can someone help me to check my application status 🙏

  16. How long. Does. It take to be accepted..?

    • Hi there, it depends on the hard work the candidate puts into the application. If you do the necessary things like; Uploading the needed files, completing your fees and the rest of the requirements.

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