CSUC Postgraduate Admission Requirement

The Christian Service University College, CSUC School of Graduate Studies has released the Postgraduate Admission Requirement for prospective applicants and the general public.

Table of Contents

CSUC Postgraduate Admission Requirement

The General entry requirements for Postgraduate programmes are detailed below.

MSc Monitoring and Evaluation

Applications are invited from holders of good undergraduate degrees in the Social Sciences, Business and Public Administration, Agriculture, Building Technology, Architecture, Engineering and Planning from recognized universities with at least Second Class lower division and a minimum of two years of working experience.

MA Christian Ministry with Management

The minimum qualification to gain admission into our postgraduate programmes includes the following:

  • A good first degree (not below second class lower division) from an accredited institution.
  • A good first degree (not below 2nd class lower division) in Theology, Divinity or Religious Studies from
    an accredited institution.
  • A good first degree (not below 2nd class lower division) in fields other than Theology, Divinity or Religious Studies from an accredited institution. Candidates must possess some experience in church work or related ministries, e.g. as church leader/ evangelist/ Bible teacher/ Sunday School teacher/ administrator/ project officer, etc. A supporting recommendation by the applicant’s church pastor or ministry leader would be required.
  • In line with the admission policy of the Theology Department of the University College, all applicants would be required to attend an interview.

 MSc Accounting and Finance

To be admitted to the MSc Accounting and Finance Programme, the candidate must hold any of the following from a recognised University or Professional Body:

  • BSc./ BBA/ BA in Accounting and/ or Finance,  B. Commerce and/ or Finance degrees (at least 2nd Class Lower Division)
  • Another undergraduate degree, at least 2nd Class Upper Division; 2nd Class Lower
    Division degree may be considered subject to interview performance.
  • Final Certificate of the ICAG, ACCA and similar professional qualifications.
  • Post-graduate certificates in Accounting and/or Finance

The Board of Graduate Studies may conduct tests or interviews to affirm the suitability of students for the programme.


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