Whether you are a new first-year student, a returning undergraduate student, or a new or returning postgraduate student, you can find all the information you need to register below.
- Wits University Registration Dates: https://www.wits.ac.za/registration/registration-dates/
Table of Contents
How to Register at Wits University
Most students can register online from home using the Self-Service Portal. You can also register on campus at Assisted Registration.
- Online Registration Guide – https://www.wits.ac.za/registration/online-registration-guide/
New First-Year Students Registration Process
- Visit the Wits Self-Service Portal and accept your offer of admission.
- Follow the Online Registration Guide 2024, which provides a step-by-step process. You’ll need your WUID (Wits University Identification Number) and password to access the portal.
- After registering, activate your Wits email account and other important services.
- Once registration is complete, visit the designated venue to collect your student card.
Returning Undergraduate Students Registration Process
- Similar to new students, access the Self-Service Portal and register online during your faculty’s designated dates. Remember deadlines!
- Confirm your personal information, academic record, and medical aid details if applicable.
- Ensure your outstanding fees are settled before the deadline.
- Complete all required steps in the portal to solidify your registration.
Registration Process for Postgraduate Students:
- Visit the Wits Self-Service Portal and accept your offer of admission.
- Upload any necessary documents as requested by your program.
- During your program’s designated dates, register online through the Self-Service Portal.
- Settle your tuition fees by the deadline.
- Complete all required steps in the portal to confirm your registration.
WITS Postgraduate Registration website: https://www.wits.ac.za/postgraduate/
Be patient while WITS processes your registration. If you see that your registration will not be processed by the closing date for registrations, please visit your nearest WITS Online Assistance.