The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination is an examination that is offered after a four-year cycle in secondary education. The examination is normally offered in November/December each year. It is open to all bona fide residents of Kenya who meet the examination requirements as stipulated by KNEC.
Holders of KCSE certificate may proceed to tertiary institutions to pursue a degree, diploma, craft, and certificate and artisan courses.
Before now, some students still find it difficult to understand KCSE Examination and how it works, thus, we have provided answers to the most popular questions asked over the years, see below.
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How Do I Log Into KNEC Portal?
You can visit and Access the KNEC Student Portal using a computer or mobile via the following link:
- Student Portal:
How can I Check my KCSE for the Whole School?
Send an SMS with your index number to 20076 or Check on the KNEC website in the field that requires you to insert your index number. Candidates should visit their examination centers for their official results slip.
Know that there are other ways to accessing your KCSE results, including using the KNEC official Portal.
Can I Register for KCSE Online?
The registration for KCSE and KCPE candidates in Kenya is purely online. Candidates log in to and upload their details, including photographs.
How Long Does KCSE Certificate Take to Be Released?
The result notification slip is issued within two weeks after the examination results are issued. The Certificate of Proficiency (COP) is issued within six months of completing the COP examination in their respective schools.
Can I Get My KCSE Result Slip Online?
To download and print your KCSE result slip online, follow the steps below.
- Step 1: Open the KNEC portal website –
- Step 2: Choose the option “examination results”.
- Step 3: At the first drop-down list, you have to choose the KCSE examination
- Step 4: And at the second drop-down list, you have to choose the year.
How Much Is KCSE Registration Fee?
The Government of Kenya will pay examination fees for all candidates sitting for both the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, and Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE exams except repeaters and foreign students.
Fees Payable per Student’s Subjects Entry
A student pays as per the number of subjects she/he is to register for.
1 Subject | 3,100 |
2 Subjects | 3,500 |
3 Subjects | 3,900 |
4 subjects | 4,300 |
5 subjects | 4,700 |
6 subjects | 5,100 |
7 subjects | 5,500 |
8 subjects | 5,900 |
9 subjects | 6,300 |
Extra Fees for Students Taking Project-Based Subjects
This fee is paid only for students taking the following project-based subjects.
Home Science | 441 | 200 |
Art and Design | 442 | 200 |
Agriculture | 443 | 200 |
Woodwork | 444 | 200 |
Metal Work | 445 | 200 |
Building Construction | 446 | 200 |
Power Mechanics | 447 | 500 |
Electricity | 448 | 500 |
Drawing and Design | 449 | 200 |
Aviation Technology | 450 | 2,500 |
Computer Studies | 451 | 200 |
French | 501 | 500 |
German | 502 | 500 |
Arabic | 503 | 500 |
Kenya Sign Language | 504 | 500 |
Music | 511 | 500 |
How Can I Register for KCSE 2021?
To register candidates online visit the KNEC portal: and click on either KCPE or KCSE to register.
How Do I Download KNEC Examiner’s Invitation Letter?
KCSE EXAMINERS 2021 – The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has now uploaded the KCSE 2020 examiners’ letters of invitation. You can now download your letters at
What Does KNEC Pay Invigilators?
Payment rates for Supervisors, Centre Managers, and Invigilators
The table below summarizes the expected pay for the 2021 Contracted Professionals:
Contracted Profesional | Exam | Region | Pay Per Day | Total Days engaged | Total Pay |
Centre Manager | KCPE | All Regions | Sh500 | 4 | Sh2,000 |
Centre Manager | KCSE | All Regions | Sh500 | 18 | Sh9,000 |
Invigilators | KCPE | All Regions | Sh538 | 3 | Sh1,615 |
Invigilators | KCSE | Nairobi & Mombasa | Sh580 | 17 | Sh9,860 |
Invigilators | KCSE | Other Regions | Sh460 | 17 | Sh7,820 |
Supervisors | KCPE | All Regions | Sh621 | 4 | Sh2,485 |
Supervisors | KCSE | Nairobi & Mombasa | Sh695 | 18 | Sh12,510 |
Supervisors | KCSE | Other Regions | Sh630 | 18 | Sh11,340 |
Security Officers | KCSE | All Regions | Sh420 | 16 | Sh6,720 |
Drivers | KCSE | All Regions | Sh405 | 16 | Sh6,480 |
How Do I Register for Grade 3 Online?
- Visit KNEC KEYA Portal:
- To log in enter your KNEC School CODE as USERNAME and Password use your KCPE EXAM registration password. (If you do not have a school code kindly contact your Sub County Director of Education)
- After Login, Click E-readiness Questionnaire
- Click Enroll Learners
- Check whether all Grade 3 learners in your school are captured
- Provide the following learner details (official names in the order and in full as they appear in the birth certificate in consultation with the parent, Gender, Birth Certificate Number, Date of birth, citizenship, and disability if any)
Can KNEC Change a Student Name in the KCSE Certificate?
The only thing you need to do is to apply for a name amendment through the school where you sat for that KCSE or KCPE examination.
Further inquiries about the change of name on the KNEC certificate can be forwarded to the institution through ordinary mail
How Can I Replace My KCSE Result Slip?
You will need to contact KNEC. The result slips for the KCPE and KCSE candidates are available from KNEC only. If you have lost your certificates, you can have them replaced by KNEC.
How Can I Get a KCSE Certificate?
There are two ways a candidate can request the KNEC Certificate Replacement Form, and there are being illustrated below;
Applying In-person
- First, you are required to fill the KNEC Certificate Replacement Form when requesting a replacement KCSE certificate.
- You can access the form from the KNEC website or get it from the KNEC archives and Records Offices.
- Next, you fill in the details required
- Attach relevant documents to accompany the form.
Apply Online
- Log into the KNEC website and download certificate replacement forms.
- Read and carefully fill the KNEC certificate replacement form.
- Make sure that all debt/fee are settled
- Submit the application form.
- Wait for response
How Can I Check My KCSE Certificate?
One cannot view his or her results online. Results can be accessed via short message services (SMS) immediately after the release using a code to be provided by KNEC.
How Do I Get KCSE Invigilation?
To apply for KCPE or KCSE KNEC 2021 KNEC examiner jobs, follow the procedure below:
- Visit: and use login username and password to log in.
- Click create an account to register for a new one if you don’t have one.
- Enter the phone number using format 254720111111
- You will receive a login username and password via SMS
- Login and fill the online form with the required details
- After updating your profile click save to continue
- Select Jobs/Vacancy and
- Submit an application for the KNEC contracted professional vacancy that you are interested in (Supervisor, Security Officer, Center Manager, invigilator, or Driver )
see – How much are KCSE invigilators paid in Kenya
How Do I Download KNEC Examiners Invitation Letter?
To download your marking invitation letter,follow the simple steps below;
- First, visit the official Knec examiners’portal by following the link;
- Enter your User Name and Password as shown
- On successful login, check under ‘Apply for training’ and select the ‘view’ link in the ‘Action’ column.
- Accept or reject the marking invitation.
- Before accepting to go for the marking, read through the letter and either click ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ button
- This will take you back to the home page.
- Clicking on ‘view’ again and if you clicked on ‘Accept’ your marking invitation letter will be displayed.
- You can either download your letter by clicking on the ‘arrow down icon’ on the top corner of your screen (eg.
) or print by clicking the ‘printer icon’ (e.g
How Do I Know if My KNEC Certificate Is Real?
below are the list of what to do if you cant tell a real certivicate.
- Look for embedded watermarks as its indicate that it’s genuine.
- Check if you’ll see a shiny gold embossed seal
- Confirm if the signature is real
- Look for spelling errors
You don’t need to worry, just drop off your question(s) on our comment session below and we are prone to respond within 48hrs.
What happens when you register for KCSE but repeat before you do the exam
Comment:How does repeating KCSE and obtaining a new certificate affect the old KCSE certificate?
I sat for my form 4 exams In Uganda and have already converted the results but was not given grades from Kenya National Quality Assurance (KNQA) . How can I be assisted in terms of grading?
Comment: Incase i repeat KCSE exams wholly after being not satisfied with my first grade, am i able to use my previous KCSE certificate to pursue higher education if i score lower grade than what i scored previously?
How can i get my kcpe certificate from 2010 and i have no any copy
I did mi kcpe exam 2015 in KAKUMA REFUGEES CAMP. So now I want to change my names since it was wrong. Can I change it? How much does it takes to change the names and how much does it cost?