[UPDATED] KMTC Student Portal – www.kmtc.ac.ke Student Portal Login

Kenya Medical Training College, KMTC Student Portal – kmtc.ac.ke Student Portal Login. KMTC student portal, KMTC student e-learning portal, reset/change password, creates an account, KMTC multimedia portal, etc…

What’s KMTC Student Portal? The Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) Student Portal is a login page which renders help for the student to perform certain academic actions. This is where students can provide a user name and password to gain access to an education organization’s programs and other learning-related materials.

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KMTC Student Portal Login

If you are looking for the KMTC Student Portal Login, this information is quite helpful and can be used positively.

KMTC Student Portal Password Reset

To Change/reset the password, navigate to – https://portal.kmtc.ac.ke/login/reset

Enter your registration number. Don’t you have an Account? Create an Account.

A link will be sent to you. You will receive a link that will be used to reset your password.

Therefore, if you are still unable to find the link(s) you are looking for, please visit the official website provided below, or could kindly drop a comment and we will give you a positive reply.

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  1. I always loved to study …especially wth kmtc .i applied for 2year course in Human Resource and information technology .I have the admission at hand of which i never joined due to financial issues so will they still preserve the chance for me to september intake?Thank you

  2. Doricas mosera otondi

    Like hearing from you. Am a newly joined student but due to corona pandemic we are out.

  3. Am student at Port-reitz campus and have been trying to login for e-learning but am not able to because the reply am getting is .your email is not yet set. pliz help me am in 3rd year and I need to access the elearning

  4. Please help me know how to check my account proceedings I’ve been trying all day long without any success

  5. it happened that i changed my number to a new one,,,,i would to be receiving the kmtc messages via the new one,,help me out

  6. Sandra jepkorir koech

    I have been placed at homabay campus but the place’s climate is not conducive to my health how can I transfer to thika campus

  7. Hallo,I got a message that I have been successful in studying at KMTC finally, and I have not got any registration number or password.. kindly help me on how to go..thanks..

  8. I am unable to access my portal .kindly help.

  9. Any report of my portal

  10. Hello,,how do I log in to my account yet when I enter the email and password it is saying that the the password doesn’t match with the email address yet I put the password and email that I set during application… please do help me.

    • Accessing ur account,,,, type http: // e-learning. Kmtc. ac. ke.
      Then click user log in,, entering ur username & password.
      USERNAME:enter ur student registration number which is the college number (should be in small letters plz)
      PASSWORD : enter the word Password @ 2020

    • Accessing ur account,,, type http: // e-learning. Kmtc. ac. ke, then click user log in, entering ur username and password.

      USERNAME :enter ur student registration number which is the college number (should be in small letters plz).

      PASSWORD : enter the word Password @2020.

    • Kipyegon Philemon

      I have problem like yours

  11. Am unale to log in the e-learning platform because it shows me that my email doesn’t exist.what could really be the problem?

  12. I want to create an account and when I try to log in a’m told that the username doesn’t exist help me please.

  13. I’m getting difficulties in login in plz help

  14. I want to know if I have been selected for sep intake

  15. Hi I received a message that I also have been successful in studying at kmtc and I was given a portal A/C please how can I access to it

  16. Hello.have not been able to access my portal even after trying FORGET PASWORD not able to get any link via my email but Im told that the username is not found.Kindly help.

  17. I am unable to access the e learning programme m a first year student.I joined KMTC muranga this march.kindly assist me on that matter.

  18. Am unable to access the student portal. When i try to log in “invalid log in” is the response i get. Please help

  19. I was given a registration number D/CM/20037/2124 but I have tried to login for online enrollment but it’s telling me invalid user name. Please assist me so I can enroll. I have already paid the needed amount

  20. How comes I am yet to get an admission notification on my portal?

  21. I want to create an account but the registration number isn’t accepting,,,help out

  22. Kindly I’m unable to access my student portal please help

  23. Abdullahi Alow Jiraw

    Please reply

  24. Lucas Oluoch Rateng

    I am unable to access my portal kindly assist

  25. How can I start online classes under the course nursing

  26. Magdalyne chelangat maccan

    Hey please,I find difficulty in login in to e learning,may I find help please

  27. Naomidaisy Nasimiyu Simiyu

    Have been trying to create my account bt the issue is that ..Its stillsaying my regeatration number its not found ..

  28. How can I start online classes.in orthopaedics

  29. Am a fresha student who want to join the link of learning online institution of nursing certificate so how do I access the glass through online

  30. Magdalyne chelangat

    I can’t log in in my portal,please help.its says invalid password

  31. I want to create account but registration number is not accepting hence it shows invalid username . Please assist me . Thank you in advance.

  32. I have registration number but have tried to login it shows invalid

  33. I have registration number but have tried to login it shows invalid.am unable to access kindly help

  34. I have registration number but have tried to login it shows invalid.am unable to access kindly help

  35. I have registration number but am still unable to access e-learning kindly help me

  36. Is there any problem if I pay the commitment fee late ?

  37. Hello,I have been succefully been selected to take nursing in wajir campus and I did not report because of the corona virus pandemic and I need transfer to kabarnet campus what shall I do , pliz I need help

  38. Hello, am susan john i did an application of orthopaedic and trauma medicine this year and i have not yet be notiffied on which school i have been placed..kindly help me out to nkow where i have been placed

  39. Please help me get in e learning


  41. How can I join kmtc group 2020

  42. Plz help me to access elearning platform

  43. I have tried logging in to my portal but when I place the username..that is my registration number it says it’s invalid… already paid the commitment fee as instructed…please help

  44. I have tried logging in to my portal but when I get place my registration number it says invalid username… already paid the commitment fee as instructed… please help…I have contacted the administration…no reply yet

  45. Betty barongo ratemo

    Am not able to access the e-learning ,plus registering for the Hsm unit and the learning materials

  46. Hello,I would like to defer my admission to report at the beginning of the second semester,how do I go about it?

  47. I’m not able to access the elearning program

  48. Comment: On how should I pay the commitment fee please help me.

  49. I have paid the 43,200 for the first semester now how can I get the online studies ,I was placed at loitoktok campus cerficate in medical engineering

  50. Am challenged by joining of student portal,When I try to join the student portal , it just shows a blank page so
    Plz help

  51. Mecha peter Ondiek

    Hello,,am.a nursing student 2019 March class Bondo campus.There is this issue of e learning which is not taking place in this class of ours. What maybe the problem please?

  52. I have been awarded a chance in one of your campuses,did paid 10000 as confirmation of acceptance yet when I want to register with the given admission it tells me it is invalid, please help

  53. help me out in accessories of the school “Nairobi campus kmtc”

  54. I paid the commitment fee I was told am successful enrolled still am unable to create my student portal how can I do it

  55. Augustino Kiptarus

    I have tried to create an eLearning account but it’s not reponding well

  56. I have tried to login to eLearning portal but I can’t access the link kindly my l have the link,my reg no,C/OPT/21043/296 under certificate in orthopedic and trauma medicine.

  57. Piripo Andrew Olomunyak

    Iam not able to access e-learning ,please assist

  58. Am unable to access the elearning platform please how do i go abt it

  59. Kindly what will one do if he/she wants to change the school??

  60. Comment:I applied for health records and information technology for september 2020 intake but no answers whether i have been selected how do i check for my admission?

  61. my 123456 email password denies me to create kmtc details that match with it

  62. Pliz helpe open my portal for I am unable to open it

  63. Pliz help me open my portal for I am unable to open it

  64. I have been selected as one of the student ;I received a message of selection but no admission letter in the school portal.why?

  65. Charity Loice Mbalwe

    Have tried to log in all in vain student of nursing kaptumo campus first year first semester

  66. I paid the commitment fee using wrong registration number yet we have contacted you people several times without succeeding,what exactly are we going to do because we want to enroll online,please help me

    • Hi there, Please note that we are in no way affiliated with the KMTC School. We are here to help students figure out answers to their problems. If you have a problem, ask us the way out and we will gladly help you out.

      You made a terrible mistake, what are you to do? contact the official website by navigating to https://www.kmtc.ac.ke/.

      After opening this website, scroll to the bottom of the website, there, you’ll be provided with the accurate contact details of the school.

      Grab the contact details and lay a complaint to the school immediately.

  67. I cannot access my email agathasaru@gmail.com since I have forgotten my password and how can l access my classes when l log in with my new email and get the links

  68. I have tried logging in to e-learning but always given invalid login try again later, what can I do

  69. Hellow am a student at embu kmtc I want to log into student portal account but I cant how should I go about it

  70. Hadija Omar Ngonyo

    am a third year kmtc student and I have lost my kmtc Portal account so as I could assess to upload for indexing
    I need your helpk

  71. Shainabu, applied for medical engineering buut hhavee not received admission

  72. Hi am a student at Eldoret kmtc ,i have tried logging in to e-learning but always given invalid login try again later , what can i do

  73. Comment:hello am Mary cherotich,,l applied for diploma in community health nursing for September intake till now l haven’t received any feedback concerning my admission kindly help me

  74. Hello .,,I applied for March intake at early Septemberand have not received any feedback ..

  75. Hey… I applied for 2020/2021 intake and would like to know if the admission letters are out… Kindly

    • Hi, have tried to reset my passward for logging in my portal but am experiencing some problems.. it’s telling me wait or conduct service centre

  76. Am totally confused,,, i paid for hostel last year march but due to corona virus I didn’t attend class. My worry is am I still going to be hosted in that hostel or I have to pay again.. help.

  77. Hello, have problem with login into my portal account. Have tried resetting the password but in vain because the link is being send on the email that I can’t remember still. Kindly help me the way forward.

  78. Hello how can I change my student portal email so that I can reset my password and be able to access my portal.I can’t access my portal

  79. Hello how can I change my student portal g-mail account because I lost it with my phone and I could not recover

  80. I need to change my Gmail account

    • Hello.I successfully applied for community health nursing for march 2023 intake. Today is on 23 February, I haven’t received any message from KMTC yet.How and when am I going to know am selected please?

  81. Diana achieng oluoch

    Joined this january and was wishing to differ to September or march due to financial struggles how can i go about this plus

  82. I applied forr nursing via kmtc but have not yet recieved my admission letter,,, kindly help me out coz am really stranded.

  83. Am having a great challenge in logging into my portal, it’s really disturbing me,, kindly help

  84. I have tried to create an account but in the when i write my admission number it is not valid

  85. Nyaga Frida Murugi

    I applied for certificate in health records and information technology but have not yet received a feedback may you please help me,am nyaga Frida Murugi

  86. I have been trying to create an account bt I can’t be able please help me

  87. Helloo kindly help me to access my student portal account if try to log in inasema username invalid and nikijaribu kureset password inasema username does not exist I

  88. I applied for a course march intake 2022 but upto now I’ve not found admission letter what maybe the problem

  89. I changed my Gmail account how can I access my new account??

  90. Comment:I haven’t get any letter and it is already March what should do and I had prepare for this March intake

  91. How should I report myself into portal?

  92. Hi am aqualified nurse forgot my portal login mail and password sameone to help please

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