KUCCPS Admission Letters for Institution, Universities, & Polytechnics 2025/2026

KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026: Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) intake admission letters for all universities & colleges n2025/2026ow available.

KUCCPS Admission Letter is out — an official paper that points out that you have been offered provisional admission into any Degree Programmes, Diploma Programmes, Certificate Programmes, Artisan Progra mmes in a University for the 2025/2026 academic year.

“Readers should be watchful as we all know that this information is temporary and can be updated Positively without any prior notice.”

Table of Contents [hide]

Public Chartered Universities

  1. University of Nairobi (UoN) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  2. Moi University (MU) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  3. Kenyatta University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  4. Egerton University (EU) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  5. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) KUfCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  6. Maseno University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  7. Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  8. Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  9. Chuka University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  10. Technical University of Kenya (TU-K) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  11. Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  12. Pwani University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  13. Kisii University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  14. University of Eldoret (UoE) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  15. Maasai Mara University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  16. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology KUCCPS KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  17. Laikipia University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  18. South Eastern Kenya University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  19. Meru University of Science and Technology KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  20. Multimedia University of Kenya (MMU) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  21. University of Kabianga (UK) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  22. Karatina University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026

Public University Constituent Colleges

  1. Murang’a University College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  2. Machakos University College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  3. The Co-operative University College of Kenya KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  4. Embu University College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  5. Kirinyaga University College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  6. Rongo University College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  7. Kibabii University College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  8. Garissa University College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  9. Taita Taveta University College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026

Private Chartered Universities

  1. University of Eastern Africa, Baraton KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  2. Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  3. Daystar University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  4. Scott Christian University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  5. United States International University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  6. Africa Nazarene University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  7. Kenya Methodist University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  8. St. Paul’s University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  9. Pan Africa Christian University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  10. Strathmore University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  11. Kabarak University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  12. Mount Kenya University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  13. Africa International University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  14. Kenya Highlands Evangelical University KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026
  15. Great Lakes University of Kisumu KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026
  16. KCA University KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026
  17. Adventist University of Africa KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026

Private University Constituent Colleges

  1. Hekima University Colleg KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026
  2. Tangaza University College KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026
  3. Marist International University College KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026
  4. Regina Pacis University College KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026
  5. Uzima University College KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026

Institutions with Letters of Interim Authority

  1. Kiriri Women’s University of Science and Technology KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026
  2. Aga Khan University KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026
  3. GRETSA University KUCCPS Admission Lists & Letters 2025/2026
  4. Presbyterian University of East Africa KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  5. Inoorero University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  6. The East African University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  7. GENCO University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  8. Management University of Africa KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  9. Riara University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  10. Pioneer International University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  11. UMMA University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  12. International Leadership University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  13. Zetech University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026

Registered Private Institutions

  1. KAG – East University KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026

List of Public Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority Institutions in the Country

National Polytechnics, KTTC and Technical Universities

  1. Kenya Technical Teachers Training College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  2. Technical University of Kenya KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  3. Technical University of Mombasa KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  4. Eldoret Polytechnic KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  5. Kisumu Polytechnic KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026

Institutes of Technology

  1. Coast IT KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  2. Rwika IT KUCCPS KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  3. Nyandarua IT KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  4. Kiambu IS&T KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  5. Rift Valley TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  6. Friends Kaimosi KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  7. Sangalo TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  8. Siaya IT KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  9. Ramogi TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  10. Gusii TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026

Technical Training Institutes

  1. Nairobi TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  2. Kabete TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  3. PC Kinyanjui TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  4. Mombasa TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  5. NEP TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  6. Meru TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  7. Nkabune TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  8. Kiirua TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  9. Mukiria TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  10. Katine TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  11. Wote TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  12. Mathenge TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  13. Nyeri TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  14. Michuki TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  15. Thika TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  16. Kitale TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  17. Rift Valley TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  18. Ollesos TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  19. Kaiboi TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  20. Baringo TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  21. Emining TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  22. Masai TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  23. Sigalagala TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  24. Shamberere TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  25. Bushiangala TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  26. Matili TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  27. Kisiwa TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  28. Musakasa TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  29. Bumbe TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  30. Mawego TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026
  31. Keroka TTI KUCCPS Admission Letters 2025/2026

Do you still wonder What is KUCCPS? About KUCCPS? KUCCPS Website? & Contact KUCCPS? ➡ SEE HERE. This information is Probable helpful and can be used positively.

Alternatively, If you have any question(s) please drop it in our comment box below. Sharing is loving!

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  1. I haven’t seen my kuccps congratulatory message yet,,,I only saw a message that says I have secured one of the courses to be approved by placement board,please help,,,,I applied thika technical training institute

  2. I want to apply for a diploma in primary education September intake…is the application ongoing or how do I go about it

    • Hi there,

      for now, it is quite uncertain to agree that the 2021 academic session has resumed due to the deadly virus situation all across the world.

      But, please logon to the official website of your school of choice, there you get to know the procedure and what to do next.


  3. I have not gotten my admission letter so what can I do

  4. I was to join Ntti last year replaced by kuccups bt due to some complications I didn’t make it….before corona pandemic I had visited the institution for more information and up to now i am blank on what to do next after schools are reopened….. Please help

  5. I can’t view my admission letter. I applied for a mechanical course(automotive engineering), please help

    • Please help I was placed in kabete national polytechnic taking diploma in petroleum and geoscience but I have not got the link to download the admission letter up to now

  6. Iwant to apply for Electrical engineering in Thika what should ido please help

  7. Comment:hey how do I download uon admission list by pdf

  8. Hi I am joy Adams, I got a congratulations message that I managed to get a course at ntti. My worry is that I haven’t gotten an admission letter. Please help

  9. I have never been to a crappy website like this one. It’s full of lies and childish falsehoods that trick the reader to stick around while searching for information that doesn’t exist. The owner hopes that readers will click on ads so he can earn from google adsense.

  10. Adanje mudogo kennedy

    I’m Kennedy and I received a message from kuccps to join the Nairobi TTi and I’m trying to look for my admission letter and number and yet I can’t find them so plz try to help and I’m to pursue a diploma in petroleum management

  11. Have gotten my admission letter at thika technical.please help me

  12. Have not gotten my admission letter at thika technical.please help me

  13. Please help me to check my admission form from kabete national polytechnic.

  14. Comment:help me find my admission letter to Eldoret polytechnic… I had a congratulatory message but now whenever I try to download the kuccps admission letter it won’t work for me.

  15. Achieng centobilla

    How do i down load admission list for Kenya medical training college

  16. Has Thika institute released their admission letters?

  17. I haven’t received any congratulatory message from kmtc yet I applied for nursing

  18. Where have i been located by kmtc because i applied?

  19. Lonyeit lucia lodan

    I applied for mass communication in kenya insitute of mass communication but i am not listed and i really want to join the school please help

  20. Dennis munyao wambua

    I got my congratulations letter from thika technical training institute……how can i get my admmision letter

  21. Kimeu James Musyimi

    I applied for electric and electronic engineering at Kenya technical training college through kuccps,,I got a congratulation message, but I have not yet gotten the admission letter,,,

  22. Hello! This is David Nyakuna, I was trying to download my TENP calling letter but can’t access it, can i find your help

  23. Hey! Am Perez and I would like to apply to Kihbt for a diploma in civil engineering building construction. Please help me get placement there for January intake 2021. Thank you

  24. I applied for agricultural engineering course at meru national polytechnic.But since my placement there,I have heard nothing from them.why?

  25. Hello am Jeffy. Why am I not getting any information concerning my admission at TENP .

  26. Deborah Bwari Nyakango

    Hello am Deborah I have not yet found my admission at TENP

  27. Hello am Jecinter,I was placed by Kuccps at kabete National polytechnic but when am trying to download my admission letter it doesn’t go through please how can I get it please

  28. Hello there
    Kindly help me, I have a bachelor’s of arts degree in geography and would like to pursue a pgde. What is the procedure in securing one?

  29. I am pregnant and so am planning to join school next year September…..what should I do was admitted to maseno

  30. I was placed by kuccps at NTTI but due to some challenges I never made it to apply by September Intake 2020 can I still apply for January 2021 intake.please help

  31. I got a c Plain I my kcse exams, can I do nursing ?

  32. I haven’t received my admission letter

  33. Am Modesta I would like to apply a diploma in teaching, help me to get the admission letter plz

  34. I have been placed by KUCCPS at Thika TTI but I have not yet gotten my admission letter please help

  35. I want to apply for a certificate in mechanical engineering may intake In TTI……. how do I go

  36. How can I get a form

  37. Hello here,,I received a message from Kussips that I’m to join THIKATTI but I haven’t received a calling letter from the institution, please help me

  38. Hello…..I applied Jan intake at thika technical but it seem there is no Jan intake what will I do

  39. Hello..I applied last year December for March 2021 intake but have not received any information please help

  40. Hello..I applied last year December for March intake 2021 but have not received any information please help

  41. Hi, l D+ can study for animal health

  42. I have an admission letter but I don’t have admission number and we r suppose to report online in kisumu polytechnic help pls

  43. kenedy agesa keya

    want to apply for a corse at kabete national polytechnic on civil engeeneering may intake, please help…

  44. Esther wambui njoroge

    I was placed in kabete national polytechnic by kuccps but i haven’t received any calling letter

  45. I have tried to loin to student portal kuccps and my passward is not working please help

  46. I haven’t seen Kenya coastal National polytechnic admission letters please help

  47. Eunice nyarangi joel

    Hello,,,can I apply for a diploma in primary education

  48. Eunice nyarangi joel

    Can I apply for a diploma in primary education

  49. I have been trying to apply for kabete online for may intake but it is not going through,,,,I need help plz,,,,may intake 2021,,,,plz I need feedback.

  50. Hey I applied for the may intake but I haven’t seen my congratulatory message what should I do please I need help



  53. Comment:I was placed at kisii poly but I haven’t received my admission letter please I need help


    Hi Am Mary I applied for diploma in early childhood at the University of Nairobi college of education and external studies my status is already shortlisted and verified …am a self sponsored student how do I get my admission letter…plizzz help my reference number is1111481528 and my contact is 0111481528

  55. Login to the KUCCPS student portal, that’s the only way to find out.

  56. I applied with the 2021 candidates and I haven’t received the congratulatory infor,I see in my student portal they say I have secured a place and I have not seen the name of the place,,, may you please help
    Reply via my email

  57. There was a message saying that I have provisionally selected in on of the courses applied for but I don’t know where am placed,please help.

  58. I have not gotten my admission letter, how can you help

  59. I applied but I haven’t see any message .. health records and information technology… Kindly help

  60. I applied kmtc September intake this year but unfortunately I have not seen my placement message up to now , I urgently need your help please

  61. Kiura Chris mucangi

    Am Chris mucangi please I haven’t received my university I have been admitted to

  62. I haven’t seen my kuccps congratulatory message yet,,,I only saw a message that says I have secured one of the courses to be approved by placement board,please help,,,,I applied at KENYA WATER INSTITUTION

  63. HI my small brother applied from the school im told in order to get his admision letter i put KCPE/KCSE NUMBER….ive tried but in vain, how do i go about it?

  64. im interested to know which school he has been called


  65. Last time I got am placed and am not get congratulations and even admission letter what the way forward, please help.

  66. Its about hospitality and food and beverage service.

  67. What am I supposed to print on my admission letter

  68. I received a congratulations message that i have secured admission at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology but when i cannot download the letter from their website. how can i be assisted of what link can i use. please help.

  69. I received a congratulations message that i have secured admission at Sigalagal National Polytechnic but i cannot download the letter from their website. how can i be assisted or what link can i use. please help.

  70. Hi i received a message saying i have been placed in Bondo Technical Training Institute but it is not in the Listed Institutes.
    Kindly advice

  71. I haven’t seen my admission letter from Ahiti Kabete

  72. Joseph ooko owigo

    I don’t see where the kamkunji technical and vocational college admission letters are available are they out or not yet

  73. Thanks for your good quality services


    I have not yet received my admission letter I was placed to tharaka technical and vocation college

  75. Masinde Piandose

    I got my congratulation message and I was placed at Kisii national polytechnic and I haven’t seen an admission letter. Please help me.

  76. Maurice Gichinga

    how do i download KIST admission leter

  77. Ongaga Violet Gesare

    Have not yet seen my Rongo University admission letter is it that they have not been posted?

  78. Hello, I apply for a course at railway training institute and I have not received the admission letter. Give me the way forward

  79. Hi i cant see my institution on the menu laikipia north vocational and training collage

  80. I want to apply for computer science course in Mombasa technical training institute how is it done

  81. i have not yet get my admission letter in railway training institute in nairobi . please help

  82. I don’t see railway training institute please give me a link

  83. Hello 👋 I applied in the Kenya water institute but I can’t see my admission letter keep me updated thanks

  84. Nyiro Bahati Ndago

    I applied and my admission letter have not been sent in my email

  85. Hello I need help I was placed in bandari collage but I have not seen the admission latter till now…..please help me

  86. I applied for clinical medical and surgery next year(March)intake but there is no feedback plz assist us atleast place us somewhere

  87. Elizabeth waviti kitonyo

    I applied for cuccps last year and I only got the message for cuccps final process of placement and I never got the admission letter what shall I do??

  88. I can I check the status of my application for March intake 2022?

  89. Purity chepchirchir

    Hello am purity chepchirchir,I had applied a course in orthopaedic last year October and I have not gotten any feedback plz help.

  90. Hae am Catherine andole applied diploma in otthopadecs for sep intake and am yet to get my congratulatory note kindly update my email and let me know

  91. Masinde wamalwa victor

    Please place me in agricultural extension

  92. Hello my daughter is interested in nutrients course in healthy eating foods ,diet hacks. Will the government sponsor her? She got C+

  93. Dominic getanda

    I don’t know whether my course is secured

  94. I applied but I

    have not yet find any messages from kuccps

  95. Has kenya Institute of mass communication releaaed Kuccps letters 2022/2023?

  96. I applied for kmtc but I haven’t received any response yet


    thank you

  98. i got a congratulatory message from tenp. and haven’t gotten my admission letter…..is not even going through when i try to search

  99. Is Kenya Institute of surveying and mapping recognised by the KUCCPS?

  100. Emily Atieno Arodi

    I applied for diploma in technical trainer at kttc and have received the feedback

  101. Emily Atieno Arodi

    I have not received any feedback

  102. Emily Atieno Arodi

    I applied for kttc and have not received any feedback yet

  103. Deadline for kmtc application this year(2024)?

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