B-BBEE Certificate of Accreditation by SANAS

What is B-BBEE?

Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) is an integration programme launched by the South African government to reconcile South Africans and redress the inequalities of Apartheid by attempting to compensate for land that was disposed from Africans.

What is SANAS?

The South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) is the only national body responsible for carrying out accreditations in respect of conformity assessment, as mandated through the Accreditation for Conformity Assessment, Calibration and Good Laboratory Practice Act.

Table of Contents

B-BBEE Certificate of Accreditation by SANAS

The South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) is the only national body responsible for carrying out accreditation of:

  • B-BBEE Rating Agencies
  • Calibration Laboratories
  • Certification Bodies
  • Chemical and Microbiological Laboratories
  • Forensic Laboratories
  • Inspection Bodies
  • Medical Laboratories
  • Pharmaceutical Laboratories
  • Physical and Mechanical Laboratories
  • Producers of Certified Reference Materials
  • Proficiency Testing Service Providers
  • Testing Laboratories
  • Verification Laboratories
  • Veterinary Laboratories

How to Apply for Training

To apply, click below;


For more inquiry about the training, simply take good advantage of the link-texts below;

How Do I Register and Log In?

  • Course booking and registration is done online.
  • Brief activity flow summaries for registration and login are provided on the website.
  • First register as a system user in order to gain access to Individual, Group, and In-house course booking.
  • The course schedule is available to select a course of choice. Please verify the correct venue of the course selected. (SANAS Knowledge Transfer- Pretoria; Cape Town; Durban, etc.
  • Once the registration forms have been completed and submitted, a notification will be sent to the e-mail address you have provided in your personal registration.
  • This will at the later stage be followed by a quotation to be acknowledged for acceptance, the invoice for payment, course venue and time confirmations.

Should you encounter any problems with the process, please call +2712 740 8413/8414 for assistance</strong

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One comment

  1. It is helpful to know that only the South African National Accreditation System has the authority to give major accreditations such as the B-BBEE certification. If I were to get one, I would understand how hiring verification services can help me with the process. This is because it is done with accuracy and efficiency.

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