Can You Pass Matric With A 30% Average? The question most students ask every time.
Many students believe that they can pass matric with a 30% average, however, this is not completely true. Find out the real truth about this below.
Table of Contents
Can You Pass Matric With A 30% Average?
There are 3 matric pass levels, and below are the pass requirements for each of these levels:
Higher Certificate Pass Requirements
- Must obtain 40% in your Home Language.
- Must obtain at least 40% in two other subjects.
- Must obtain at least 30% for the three other subjects.
Diploma Pass Requirements
- Must obtain at least 40% for your Home Language.
- Must obtain at least 40% for three other High Credit subjects (Four, including your home language.).
- Must obtain at least 30% for two other subjects.
Bachelor’s Degree Pass Requirements
- Must obtain at least 40% for your Home Language.
- Must obtain at least 50% for four other High Credit subjects.
- Must obtain at least 30% for two other subjects.
The Following Subjects Are Compulsory:
- Home Language
- First Additional Language
- Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
- Life Orientation
Matric result is officially out, and Team BeraPortal wishes all students that made it congratulations!
Didn’t pass your matric and want to rewrite it, that’s possible, click below to register before the deadline
Do you feel that there were certain mistakes in your paper in that you want it to be rechecked or remarked? take advantage of the linked text below.