KMTC September Intake 2025/2026 Application Form – An Introduction to New Course

The Kenya Medical Training College, KMTC Intakes Application Form 2025/2026. Applications are invited from qualified candidates wishing to pursue the following programmes and wishes to join the University during intakes. Privately Sponsored Students Programmes (PSSP), Fulltime, Part-time and Distance Learning study modes available.

KMTC 2025/2026 Intake Admission Application Forms has been released. 2024 Intake, KMTC Admissions 2024 , TUK Programmes associated, KMTC Schools/faculty/Institution KMTC Application Form 2024 , KMTC Entry Requirements, How to Apply, KMTC Intakes Deadlines/Reporting Dates available below.

This post contains the list of all the available intake in the Kenya Medical Training College, KMTC for 2025/2026 academic year. Eg. the January Intake, April Intake, May Intake, September Intake etc.

KMTC Intake Application Form

The Kenya Medical Training College invites applications for the following NEW courses set to commence in September 2019 in Nairobi Campus.

These courses are specialized in nature and have been designed in response to felt market needs and graduates from these courses are expected to fill the gaps in the market in the specified areas of specialization.

Applications will be made online in the KMTC website – following the step-by-step procedure in the portal. In case of any challenges with the application process, please visit the nearest KMTC Campus or call the following numbers; 0723004516, 0723000429, 0736212060, 0736993813.


You might want to Contact the KMTC which is an important part of the application. Because of that, we have provided all the details that facilitate a close relationship that will make you go in hand with your application below.

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  1. Alice Riziki Gladys

    I would like to do an application for the September intake,is it possible?

  2. Can I apply for September intake now

  3. Is it possible for me to apply for the September intake please?

  4. I would like to do an application for the September intake …would it be possible

  5. I want to apply for my intake medical engineering or medical emaging science

  6. I wuold Wish to apply for September intake what should I do?

  7. can i apply for september intake now

  8. Hellen Nyakio Mbuthia

    I want an application letter for kmtc

  9. Can I apply for September intake

  10. I would like to get the KMTC application form for September intake 2021 early enough if possible please

  11. I want to apply for September intake please

  12. Gichuki Nicholas kamau

    I would like to join kmtc in September intake 2021 interested in nursing

  13. Hi, I’m Millicent, I would like to join kmtc for September intake though I already received a letter from mombasa kmtc for March intake but due to financial breakdown I wouldn’t be able to join in March


    i would like to apply for september intake is it possible

  15. I want to apply for September intake is it possible

  16. I would like to apply for kmtc intake for sempter ….how should I apply

  17. I want to apply for September do i start

  18. need to know the september intake deadline

  19. Joshua kipkosgei

    When is application letters for qualified applicants out for September 2021 I applied for certificate in community health nursing

  20. Hello..can I apply for September intake now

  21. Can I apply for march next year? Is the admission still

  22. Can I apply for September intake now?

  23. Mutoka Samuel Barasa

    Can I apply for September intake now?

  24. Can I apply for September intake please

  25. Can I apply for nursing September intake?

  26. How can I apply for march intake

  27. Neleah wambui mbogo

    Can i apply for march intake for certificate in community health nursing

  28. Can I apply for march intake now after the admission letters have been released

  29. Can I apply for clinical medicine and surgery

  30. Odero Daisy Awuor

    Hi there, am Daisy Odero and I would like to apply for the September intake, is it possible??

  31. I would like to join KMTC in September intake 2022,
    Interested in Nursing

  32. Hello can i apply for September intake 2022 now?

  33. can l apply for september intake for certificate in nutrition and deitetics

  34. Can I apply for nursing September intake now?

  35. Is there intake in September 2022

  36. Nathanael koech

    Can I apply now for 2022 September intake…if Soo then how can I apply… please…???

  37. Is September 2022/2023 September intake open

  38. Hello how long does it take for placement after application…coz I’ve applied for September intake on May 17th this month

  39. Shadrack kiptoo chesimet

    Can I find clinical medicine and surgery on this September intake

  40. Can i can I be admited to kmtc with an grade A-

  41. Can I apply for September intake?

  42. Have been called for September 2022 but very far at busia…it possible for transfer in cmin another county

  43. Beverlyne Boyani Ongwara

    Have you released admission letters for September 2022/2023 intake?
    Thank you

  44. I did my application for september intake but have not received an admission letter .

  45. is september intake ongoing of 2022

  46. I applied for September intake 2022/2023 but I have not get any reply

  47. Hello am Diana makori I would like to apply field of recording

  48. I applied for September 2022 intake yet I have not received any response for any kmtc ,what can I do

  49. I have not received any information

  50. I applied for September intake but have not received any response

  51. Kindly following up on admission letter for September 2022 intake.

  52. Would like to make an application for my daughter for september 2023, is it ok.

  53. Am interested in community health and I scored c Palin in kcse

  54. Can I apply for September intake now

  55. is the application on going?

  56. I have been waiting for long but…….
    I don’t know what happened to my application

  57. can i apply for 2024 march intake now

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