The Month Kenya University Policies and guideline that Governs the Exams

MKU in meeting the challenge of Covid-19 has embraced the administration of online examinations.

To conduct and manage online examinations, the University has developed policies and guidelines. To operationalize the guidelines, the following measures have been put in place;

MKU Policies and guideline that Governs the Exams 2020

  1. The examinations will commence on the 13th of July, 2020 and will be administered in phases beginning with the Postgraduate students.
  2. The timetable for each phase will be posted two (2) weeks before the beginning of examinations
  3. The examinations will be done using the e-learning portal and administered through Microsoft teams.
  4. To ensure that all students are conversant with Microsoft Teams, further training for all students has been conducted.
  5. The administration of the online examinations is supported by online examinations guidelines and regulations.
  6. Academic, technical and administrative support has been enhanced through training and will be enforced in a continuous basis.
  7. University shall ensure the reliability of the technical framework in the administration of the online examinations.
  8. University has Developed online examination support systems and online examinations training manual.
  9. To enhance the readiness of the students to do online examinations, the university will conduct a trial (mock) examination before they sit for their final examinations.
  10. Online Examinations Academic and Administrative Support Services committee has been established to:
    1. oversee the provision of effective   academic   and administrative   support services   during the administration   of online examinations
    2. To ensure that the administration of online examinations is in line with the relevant   University policy requirements
    3. To deal with emerging matters/issues during the administration  of the online examination
    4. To monitor and evaluate the administration of online examinations, prepare and submit reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic and Research Affairs.
  1. Online Examination Technical Support Services committee has been established to;
    1. Oversee the provision of reliable technical support services during the administration of online examinations
    2. Deal with emerging matters/issues related to hardware and software functionality
    3. Monitor and evaluate the provided technical support services and prepare a report for submission to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic and Research Affairs
  2. Training of staff and students has been conducted on online Examination Administration

Areas Covered 

  • Incorporation of Microsoft teams during examinations
  • Identification of students
  • Admitting students to the exam room
  • Activation of Examination
  • Recording of Proceedings
  • Online examinations invigilation

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