The National Certificate: Vocational or NC(V) is an alternative option to a Matric certificate. It is equivalent to a matric certificate but you develop practical skills and knowledge of the workplace. Once you have completed your National Certificate Vocational you can look for a job or apply to a university or college to do a;
- The higher Certificate programme at NQF level 5
- National Diploma at NQF level 6
- Bachelor’s Degree at level 7
Table of Contents
How Long Do You Have to Study?
To get the Matric equivalent certificate you will have to complete 3 years full-time and get your NCV4 certificate. There are 3 NCV levels and each level takes 1 year to complete. You will receive a certificate after every level.
What Can You Study?
NCV subjects are offered in a wide range of fields;
- Civil Engineering and Building Construction
- Drawing Office Practice
- Education and Development
- Electrical Infrastructure Construction
- Engineering and Related Design
- Finance, Economics and Accounting
- Hospitality
- Information Technology and Computer Science
- Management
- Marketing
- Mechatronics
- Office Administration
- Primary Agriculture
- Primary Health
- Process Instrumentation
- Process Plant Operations
- Safety in Society
- Tourism
- Transport and Logistics
You will need to take 7 subjects at every level. Three of those subjects are compulsory and include Maths or Maths Literacy, Life Orientation and a Language such as English. The other 4 subjects are compulsory subjects that relate to your field of study.
What Are the Admission Requirements?
You need to have a Grade 9. Some programmes do require a higher grade. Check with the college’s Admissions Office
The National Certificate Vocational is offered at Levels 2, 3 and 4 of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The qualification is designed to provide both theory and practical experience in a particular vocational field. The practical component of the study is offered in a simulated workplace environment. This option will work for you if you leave school before completing your NSC matric.