UNISA FAQs: Questions and Answers about Unisa

There are thousands of questions from students at the Universities of South Africa (UNISA), especially aspirant.

Table of Contents

How Do I Get Unisa Exam Script?

You can purchase your examination script:

If you would like to purchase a copy of your examination answer book, please apply in writing for a copy of the prescribed application form.


What Is the Pass Mark for Unisa Exams?

What is the pass mark for Unisa exams? 50%

UNISA requires an average mark of 50% for a pass.

Exams – Unisa

What Happens if You Fail an Exam at Unisa?

Unisa cannot be held liable for any examinations missed as a result of the aforementioned. Students will either have to apply for a deferment in terms of Rule 17 or re-register if the missed examination had been a second examination opportunity. The university will not make special exam arrangements in such cases.

How Much Is a Supplementary Exam at Unisa?

A Basic Examination fee for One Examination is Included in The Student Fees Payable for Each Study Unit.

Examination Fees

Additional Fees Are Payable in The Following Cases 2023 Academic Year
Aegrotat examination R240.00
Special examination R255.00
Supplementary examination R255.00

How Many Modules Can You Fail in First-Year Unisa?

For example, in your first year of study, you pass one module of 12 credits during the first semester and two modules of 12 credits each during the second semester. This means that you have completed 36 credits for the year and may re-register. Click here to read more about Unisa’s re-admission rules.

 ➡ Plan for next semester – Unisa

How Do I Pass an Unisa Module?

5 Unisa Exam Tips that Will Help You Pass

  1. Study everything; do not stick to past papers. This provides you with valuable knowledge of the course and you wouldn’t get thrown off with a new style of question during the exams.
  2. Use mind maps as a method of making notes.
  3. Self-attempt exam papers.
  4. Create an exam atmosphere.
  5. For multiple-choice exams.

 ➡ Unisa Examination Dates and Timetables.

What Happens if You Fail a Module at University?

Normally students are allowed one retake of failed modules. If they do not pass that time than it is likely they will have to retake the module the following year, this comes at an extra financial cost and it means they won’t be able to progress to the next year of their course.

What Are Supplementary Exams?

A supplementary exam is an additional exam (or another form of assessment) that may be approved for a student in the following circumstances: A student who has applied for special consideration due to unexpected circumstances impacting on their performance during the first exam.

What Happens if You Fail the Supplementary Exam?

Failure to register for the matric supplementary exams, whose deadline is usually around mid-January, means the learner will not be able to sit down for the exam. With how the matric supplementary exams currently work, your child would have difficulty correcting all their marks to something they are happy with.

Are Unisa Exams Multiple Choice?

ONE paper is scheduled to be written at the end of the semester. The examination paper is a CLOSED-BOOK paper with about 60% multiple-choice questions and 40% written questions. The type of questions is similar (take note not the same) to those in the three assignments.

 ➡ Examscense@unisa.ac.za

How Many Modules Do You Get per Semester at Unisa?

At Unisa, undergraduate modules are usually 12 credits. Each module is pegged according to a specific NQF level. A bachelor’s degree of 360 credits, for example, consists of 30 modules of 12 credits each

How Many Modules Can I Register at Unisa per Semester?

From the Unisa website: You may not register for more than 60 NQF credits in a semester, that is, not more than 5 modules per semester of 12 credits each. This does not include supplementary and/or aegrotat examinations which you may have been given in a previous academic year.

 ➡ How to Choose Modules at Unisa: Undergraduate & honours qualifications

How Do I Pass Unisa Exams?

 ➡ Unisa Qualification | Undergraduate & Postgraduate

How Many Modules Do I Need to Pass Unisa?

The minimum number of modules: You need to pass a minimum of 36 credits in your first year of study and then 48 credits in your second and further years of study.

 ➡ Plan for next semesterUnisa

Can I Write Unisa Exam without Student Card?

No student may enter an exam venue without an Unisa student card and a valid ID document (originally South African ID, driver’s licence, passport or refugee status document). No student will be admitted to an exam venue after the exam session has commenced.

 ➡ Procedures for All Exams Written at Unisa Exam Venues.

How Do I Get an Unisa Assignment?

Steps to follow:

  1. Download and install the Unisa Mobile application from the link located at the bottom of the page
  2. Install and start the application on your phone
  3. Select the “MCQ Assignment” option
  4. Login with your myUnisa* credentials
  5. Select your module
  6. Select the appropriate unique assignment number
  7. Select appropriate answers to the assignment questions
  8. Send your answers
  9. Receive immediate onscreen confirmation

Note: You can view a complete set of assignment information by logging onto https://my.unisa.ac.za/portal/pda using an HTML web browser from any internet-enabled device.

 ➡ How to Submit Multiple-Choice Assignment Using the Unisa Mobile.

How Long Does It Take to Receive Study Material from Unisa?

Your study material should be dispatched to you not later than 10 working days after your registration is finalized, provided that you submitted your correct details at the time of registration. While you wait for the delivery of your study material, we urge you to access it via myUnisa.

 ➡ Semester 1 study material – Unisa.

How Do I Get My Unisa Study Material?

Go to https://my.unisa.ac.za and login with your student number and password. If you haven’t yet activated your myUnisa account and claimed your myLife e-mail account, click on “Claim Unisa login” on the homepage of myUnisa and follow the instructions. Click on the myModules tab/link at the top of the screen.

 ➡ How to access your Unisa study material.

How Long Does Unisa Study Material Take?

You will receive an SMS from Unisa once your parcel is ready for collection from your preferred collection point. Sunnyside and Science (Florida) Campus counters: You must collect your study material pack within two working days (48 hours) of receiving the SMS.

 ➡ Study pack delivery options – Unisa.

If perhaps you have order questions to ask, please drop it on our comment session below, and response will be given 48 hours later.

Regards, BeraPortal|SAGoogle FQAs.

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  1. What happens if I didn’t get my study materials for first semester and I am already in second semester?

  2. I am doing a higher certificate and I failed one module,I wanted to take up my degree next year.Can I write my supplementary exam and still make it in time to register for my degree

  3. Hi. I am doing first year at UNISA but this has really been a tough year for me. I think I might fail all my modules. Can I redo all the modules next year?

    • I’m also scared,,, I’ve never fail an exam before,, but here I am failing modules,,, I already failed 2 modules this year and I’m pretty sure there are more fail to come..

      Just hope, they won’t give me problem next year.

  4. i registered 10 modules 5 semester one and 5 semester 2 but one module doesnt show up on moodle app for semester 2 but it shows is registered ,what might be the problem,please help ?

  5. I have registered for a module this semester that i am really battling with. I failed my 1st assignment and will most probably fail the second one too – i just cannot understant everything and i seem to be talking in circles, no matter how much i read on it or revise my studyguide.

    My question is:
    I know that if i fail the module, i can redo it next year. Can i change the module completely instead of redoing it?

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